A Forester Made King |
1907 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
A Funny Mahometan |
1897 |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
A Miracle Under The Inquisition |
1904 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
A Trip to Palestine |
1904 |
10min |
Distribution |
NR |
Black Imp, The |
1905 |
4min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
5 |
Brahmin and the Butterfly, The |
1901 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
Cake-Walk Infernal, The |
1903 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
7 |
Cave Of The Demons, The |
1898 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Christ Walking On The Water |
1899 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Christmas Angel, The |
1904 |
10min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
7 |
Christmas Dream, The |
1900 |
4min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
Constantinople and the Bosporus |
1904 |
7min |
Distribution |
NR |
Curious Sights in Burmah and Cashmere |
1904 |
7min |
Distribution |
NR |
Damnation of Faust |
1898 |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Damnation of Faust, The |
1903 |
6min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
Devil and the Statue, The |
1901 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
7 |
Devil's Castle, The |
1897 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
5 |
Devil's Laboratory, The |
1897 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Dream of a Hindu Beggar, The |
1901 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Drink! A Great Temperance Story |
1907 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Faust and Marguerite |
1897 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Faust and Marguerite |
1904 |
15min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
8 |
Genii Of Fire, The |
1908 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
7 |
Haunted Castle, The |
1896 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
7 |
Humanity Through The Ages |
1908 |
16min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Infernal Cauldron, The |
1903 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
International Congress of the Salvation Army, The |
1904 |
6min |
Distribution |
NR |
Invisible Siva, The |
1904 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Joan of Arc |
1900 |
11min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
Justinian's Human Torches |
1907 |
3min |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
Le Grotte Du Diable |
1898 |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Living Doll, The |
1908 |
10min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Merry Frolics of Satan, The |
1906 |
21min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
Miracles Of Brahmin, The |
1900 |
4min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Oracle of Delphi, The |
1903 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
5 |
Palace of Arabian Knights, The |
1905 |
21min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
5 |
Pillar of Fire, The |
1899 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
5 |
Piræus and Athens (Greece) |
1904 |
7min |
Distribution |
NR |
Place Saint-augustin |
1896 |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Providence Of The Waves, Or, The Dream Of A Poor Fisherman, The |
1904 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Satan In Prison |
1907 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
Seven Capital Sins, The |
1900 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Sign of the Cross, The |
1899 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
Spanish Inquisition |
1899 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Summoning the Spirits |
1899 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
4 |
Summoning The Spirits |
1899 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Temple of the Sun, The |
1901 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Temptation Of Saint Anthony, The |
1898 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
8 |
Treasures of Satan, The |
1902 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
6 |
Trials of a Schoolmaster, The |
1901 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
NR |
Wandering Jew, The |
1904 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
Production, Distribution |
8 |