Cookie Policy (Last updated: 18.08 2020)

What are cookies?
Cookies are small contents of data stored in your browser by the site you visit. The purpose is often to remeber your visit or some actions you took on the site last time you visited. You can view, disable and delete cookies in the browser. Blocking or not accepting the use of cookies can restrict some funtions on the site that needs them.

Our cookies
  • We find the EU Cookie laws stupid and only in the way on the internet. That is why, although we have to follow it, we try to do it as little intrusive as possible. We will only ask you to accept to use cookies when we actually use cookies. This will be much fewer times than other big sites and thus less intrusive.
  • Currently:
    Saving hearted movies - When you click the heart on the top right of a movie, we save that into a cookie.
External cookies
  • We do not use any malicious tracking cookies. This means that we try to avoid third party integrations that use cookies we do not control. The Cookies we do use are from trusted sources.
  • Currently:
    Google Analytics - for giving statistics of the traffic on this site. Read more at Google
    Google Adsense - in order to earn some revenue from ads for otherwise free usage. Read more at Google