Movies produced in 1897

Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
A Confession In Spain 1897 1min France French NR
A Funny Mahometan 1897 Georges Méliès France French NR
A Good Story 1897 1min William K.L. Dickson United Kingdom English NR
A Good Story 1897 2min United States English NR
Church Parade of Troops 1897 1min Birt Acres United Kingdom English 4
Church Parade, Woolwich 1897 United Kingdom English NR
Constant Girel au Japon 1897 - 1898 15min Constant Girel, Gabriel Veyre France, Japan French 7
Devil's Castle, The 1897 1min Georges Méliès France French 5
Devil's Laboratory, The 1897 3min Georges Méliès France French NR
Entrevue De Napoléon Et Du Pape 1897 1min Georges Hatot, Gaston Breteau France French 6
Faust and Marguerite 1897 5min Georges Méliès France French NR
Faust: Apparition de Méphistophélès 1897 1min Georges Hatot France French 4
Faust: Métamorphose de Faust et apparition de Marguerite 1897 1min Georges Hatot France French NR
Grace Church, New York 1897 James H. White United States English NR
Group leaving church in Bohemia, Czech Republic 1897 1min Czech Republic, France French 5
La procession de Sainte-Gudule 1897 Alexandre Belgium French NR
Le Caire: Départ du tapis sacré pour La Mecque 1897 1min Alexandre Promio Egypt, France French 7
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The 1897 - 1900 12min Georges Hatot France French NR
Lourdes, Procession 1897 6min Louis Lumière France French 9
McKinley Leaving Church 1897 James H. White United States English NR
Monks at Home, The 1897 1min France French NR
New England Church Scene 1897 2min United States English NR
Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris 1897 1min Louis Lumière France French 5
Palestine 1896 1897 18min Auguste Lumiere, Alexandre Promio France, Israel, Palestine French 7
Panorama de la place Saint-Marc pris d’un bateau 1897 Alexandre Promio France, Italy French NR
Passion Play, The 1897 56min Walter W. Freeman Czechoslovakia, United States English NR
Passion, The 1897 5min Albert Kirchner, Michel Coissac France French NR
Pélerinage en Palestine et en Égypte 1897 - 1898 Albert Kirchner, Vincent de Paul Bailly de Surey Egypt, France, Israel, Palestine French NR
Procession du T.S. sacrement du miracle 1897 Alexandre Belgium French NR
Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Procession 1897 5min Robert W. Paul United Kingdom English 5
Sainte-Gudule 1897 1min Alexandre Promio Belgium, France French 4
San Jorge, Salida de misa 1897 José Sellier Loup Spain Spanish NR
Satan's Jokes 1897 1min France French NR
Ten Nights In A Barroom 1897 1min United States English NR
Une Noce à l’église 1897 2min France French 6
Venise: Place Saint-Marc 1897 1min France, Italy French NR
Victor Hugo et les principaux personnages des Misérables 1897 1min France French 7