Terms & Conditions (Last updated: 18.08 2020)
These terms are going to change because this site is still under developement and more functionality is to come. As for now, this is just so that we have one.
By accepting the terms, you also accept future features, but you will be able to delete your account if you will so or sometimes opt out of features. Some features may only work if you have your account set to share your personal settings, or fulfill some given criteria.
This site is free to use, and your data is yours to share or widthold. All options to do this will not be available in the from start, but we will add as much as possible in future update. You can send us a request if need be.
Since your reviews can be public, we have the right to make them private if they are formatted wrongly, contain offensive content, are advertising other sites or products, contains links or other things we consider unwelcome in reviews. Later on, we will form guidlines for use but right now, your are good if you use common sense as we will use commons sense in our judgements.
We can do what we must in order to keep this site in good standing after our judgement. This includes removing your account, reviews or other information you put here if we suspect misuse.
You own your data and the reviews you write. By accepting these terms you grant us a licence of use and to do with as we see fit.
We link to other sites as affiliates, and are not liable for anything on those sites including our links linking to available content.
Our algorithms are ours to make and to manipulate. We do it in order for average scores to be best possible representative, so if the numbers do not add up, then this is why. The algorithms are our secret sauce.
All the code and content unique to this site under its current usage is copyrighted by us. Much of the data itself is found from elswere online and we consider it as open public data. Images, covers and such belong to the people who made the product and we use them under fair use. If you want something removed that you own, we will of course apply. We do not take resposibility for content copied from elswere.