The Devil and the Statue (1901)
Original title: Le diable géant, ou Le miracle de la madonne

Director | Georges Méliès |
Country | France |
Language | French |
Titles |
The Gigantic Devil
Le diable géant, ou Le miracle de la madonne
Production | |
Distribution |
(USA, 1903)
Georges Méliès
Black and White Fantasy Horror Romance Short Silent Film St. Mary The Devil Trick Film FantasyHorrorRomanceShortBlack and White, Silent Film, St. Mary, The Devil, Trick FilmDescription
A magnificent Venetian oratory. On the left a large bay window through which may be seen the Grand Canal of the city of Venice. In the centre a colonnade and a hemicycle; to the right is a statue of the Madonna. At the beginning of the scene Romeo in his gondola sings to Juliet a sentimental song, then goes away. Hardly has he departed when the colonnade falls to pieces, disclosing the devil. Juliet, frightened, runs to the window and calls Romeo. The latter attempts to enter and protect his fiancée, but at a gesture from the devil the window is instantly covered with a grating and Romeo makes frantic efforts to break it. The devil begins to dance a wild dance before Juliet, who is beside herself from terror. The devil gradually becomes the size of a giant (a novel effect). Juliet implores the statue of Madonna, which becomes animated, descends from its pedestal, and stretching out its arms orders the devil to disappear. The devil grows smaller and smaller and finally becomes a tiny dwarf, then he is lost in space. The window resumes its first form and Romeo embraces his beloved, with the benediction of the Virgin.
Source: Méliès Catalogue
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Georges Méliès | - | Le Diable Géant |
Georges Méliès | - | Writer |
Georges Méliès | - | Director |
The idea is quite fantastical, but very typical for Melies - basically to show of a "growing" trick - here as the Devil grows to a giant dancing trying to scare off Juliet. The statue of Madonna comes to life and fends off the Devil and rescues the day. Simple, but also pretty effective as a one-scene short film.