The Providence Of The Waves, Or, The Dream Of A Poor Fisherman (1904)
Original title: La providence de Notre-Dame-des-Flots

Director | Georges Méliès |
Country | France |
Language | French |
Titles |
La providence de Notre-Dame-des-Flots
(Country Spesific)
The Fisher's Guardian Angel
Production | |
Distribution |
Black and White Charity Drama Dreams Family Fishing Lost Film Miracles Poverty Prayer Short Silent Film St. Mary Suicide Attempt DramaFamilyShortBlack and White, Charity, Dreams, Fishing, Lost Film, Miracles, Poverty, Prayer, Silent Film, St. Mary, Suicide AttemptDescriptions
Here we are in the presence of a moral and sentimental subject adapted for all audiences. The playing of the actors, while sober, is absolutely perfect — one would think that reality itself unrolls before the eyes. Here is the description of this excellent comedy. In the cabin of a poor fisherman, through the open door of which one perceives the sea, a little girl is amusing herself with some old toys and the mother is anxiously waiting for the return of her husband so as to be able to purchase something whereby to sustain life in the family. Her husband returns desolate, for he has caught nothing, nat even a single fish. He has no longer a single penny; fishing has been poor for some time and he has exhausted the little credit which he has with the butcher and baker. The mother and child withdraw in tears, while he, possessed with a sudden rage, curses the lot which has been pursuing him. But an idea comes to him: he recalls that in his youth he had been taught to pray. He piously falls upon his knees before a holy image and appeals to the One who is never invoked in vain. Calmed by prayer, he lies down upon a cot and he dreams that fortune, mounted upon a wheel, which is her attribute, pours out from a horn of plenty, the symbol of wealth, an abundance of gold. But the awakening is still more terrible. When he thinks that he has only had riches in a dream, he takes from his table a revolver to put an end to his troubles by committing suicide. At this moment, his wife, attracted by the noise, tears from his hands the fatal weapon and reproaches him for the cowardice which drives him to abandon his wife and daughter without resources. Meanwhile a nobleman and his daughter, on a tour of charity, enter the wretched cabin. They are touched by the recital which the wife of the fisherman makes of their sufferings. They give to the pitiable family money and articles, so that misery may no longer be feared. In withdrawing, just at the door frame, the daughter of the nobleman takes the form of the holy image which the fisherman had invoked. The latter, then perceiving that his prayer had been heard, falls upon his knees with his wife and child and renders thanks to the Most High, who never forgets those who put their trust in him.
Source: Star-Film Catalog
Number 598–602 in the Star-Films Catalog.
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