Movies produced in 1904

Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
A Miracle Under The Inquisition 1904 3min Georges Méliès France French 6
A Trip to Palestine 1904 10min Israel, Palestine, United Kingdom English NR
Au pays de l'enfance du Christ 1903 - 1904 22min Célestin Chevalier, Alfred Mulsant Egypt, France, Israel, Palestine French NR
Ave Maria (de Gounod) 1904 2min Alice Guy-Blaché France French, Latin NR
Carnival Procession In Nice, The 1904 7min France, United Kingdom English NR
Christmas Angel, The 1904 10min Georges Méliès France French 7
Cohen's Advertising Scheme 1904 1min Edwin S. Porter United States English NR
Commissioner Higgins Visits Ahmedabad Girls' School 1904 4min India, United Kingdom English 5
Constantinople and the Bosporus 1904 7min Turkey, United Kingdom English NR
Curious Sights in Burmah and Cashmere 1904 7min United Kingdom English NR
Diabolical Saucepan, The 1904 2min France French NR
El Cristo Redentor 1904 1min Chile Spanish NR
Faust 1904 16min Ferdinand Zecca France French 8
Faust and Marguerite 1904 15min Georges Méliès France French 8
Great Temple Procession, Nikko, Japan 1904 3min Japan, United Kingdom English NR
In Nazareth 1904 3min Célestin Chevalier, Alfred Mulsant France, Palestine French NR
Inauguration of Ribe Cathedral 1904 1min Peter Elfelt Denmark Danish 5
Indian Religious Dance 1904 1min United Kingdom English NR
International Congress of the Salvation Army, The 1904 6min United Kingdom English NR
Invisible Siva, The 1904 1min Georges Méliès France French NR
Japanese Procession of State 1904 4min Japan, United Kingdom English 6
Joseph Sold By His Brethren 1904 7min Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn France French NR
Judgment Of Solomon, The 1904 2min France French NR
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The 1902 - 1905 44min Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet France French NR
London Ghetto, The 1904 3min United Kingdom English NR
Manchester Catholics Whitsuntide Procession 1904 11min United Kingdom English 7
Manchester Sunday Schools Whit Monday Procession 1904 9min United Kingdom English 7
Mr. Mosenstein 1904 2min Alf Collins United Kingdom English NR
Old Chorister, The 1904 6min James Williamson United Kingdom English NR
Oldham Catholic Schools Procession 1904 2min United Kingdom English 7
Palestine - Documentary Programme 1904 15min Mulsant Egypt, France, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine French 7
Palestine - Programme biblique 1904 11min Mulsant France, Israel, Palestine French 7
Parsifal 1904 25min Edwin S. Porter United States English NR
Pilgrimage at Lourdes 1903 - 1904 22min France French NR
Pilgrimage to Lourdes 1904 6min France French 7
Piræus and Athens (Greece) 1904 7min Greece, United Kingdom English NR
Procession of the 'Holy Blood' 1904 5min Belgium, United Kingdom English NR
Providence Of The Waves, Or, The Dream Of A Poor Fisherman, The 1904 5min Georges Méliès France French NR
Revolving Table, The 1904 2min France French NR
Russian Anti-Semitic Atrocities 1904 2min France French 6
Salvation Army Parade in Indian Village 1904 7min India, United Kingdom English 6
Schoolchildren at St. Ignatius School, Preston 1904 2min United Kingdom English 5
Sign Of The Cross, The 1904 10min William Haggar United Kingdom English NR
Stewed Missionary 1904 2min Alf Collins United Kingdom English NR
Wandering Jew, The 1904 3min Georges Méliès France French 8