Movies with french langauge

Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
A Confession In Spain 1897 1min France French NR
A Forester Made King 1907 5min Georges Méliès France French NR
A Funny Mahometan 1897 Georges Méliès France French NR
A Miracle Under The Inquisition 1904 3min Georges Méliès France French 6
A Missionary Martyred at Pao-Ting-Fou Intervention of the Allied Troops 1901 1min Ferdinand Zecca France French NR
A Modern Samson 1908 5min Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn France French NR
Apparitions De La Très Sainte Vierge à Bernadette 1903 C. Fourcade France French NR
Arlequin Et Méphistophélès 1903 1min Gaston Velle France French NR
Arles: la sortie de Saint-Trophime 1900 1min France French 4
At the Confessional 1902 1min France French NR
Athaliah 1910 15min Michel Carré, Albert Capellani France French NR
Au pays de l'enfance du Christ 1903 - 1904 22min Célestin Chevalier, Alfred Mulsant Egypt, France, Israel, Palestine French NR
Ave Maria (de Gounod) 1904 2min Alice Guy-Blaché France French, Latin NR
Beautiful Margaret, The 1910 6min Émile Cohl France French 5
Beggar's Repentance, The 1909 8min Camille de Morlhon France French NR
Benares, the Holy City of the Hindus 1910 4min France French NR
Bernadette Soubirous et les Apparitions de Lourdes 1909 12min Honoré Le Sablais France French 9
Birth, Life And Death Of Christ, The 1906 33min Alice Guy-Blaché France French 8
Black Imp, The 1905 4min Georges Méliès France French 5
Blind Man of Jerusalem, The 1909 11min Louis Feuillade France French 9
Brahmin and the Butterfly, The 1901 2min Georges Méliès France French 6
Brahmin's Miracle, The 1908 4min Segundo de Chomón France French NR
Cain 1910 9min France French NR
Cake-Walk Infernal, The 1903 5min Georges Méliès France French 7
Cave Of The Demons, The 1898 1min Georges Méliès France French NR
Cave of the Spooks 1908 4min Segundo de Chomón France French NR
Cérémonie religieuse d'un mariage chez les Parsis de l'Inde à Bombay 1910 4min Camille Legrand France French NR
Christ on the Cross 1910 Louis Feuillade France French NR
Christ Walking On The Water 1899 2min Georges Méliès France French NR
Christian Martyrs 1905 7min Lucien Nonguet France French 7
Christmas Angel, The 1904 10min Georges Méliès France French 7
Christmas Dream, The 1900 4min Georges Méliès France French 6
Christmas Eve Tragedy 1908 10min France French 5
Christmas Miracle 1905 3min France French 7
Christmas-Night 1902 2min France French NR
Christmas Through The Ages 1908 8min France French NR
Clock-Maker's Secret, The 1907 9min Gaston Velle France French 6
Comment Yannick fut à la Messe de Minuit 1906 Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Confession 1905 1min France French NR
Conjuring 1896 1min Georges Méliès France French 5
Conscience de Prêtre 1906 5min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Constant Girel au Japon 1897 - 1898 15min Constant Girel, Gabriel Veyre France, Japan French 7
Couronnement du tsar Nicolas II à Moscou 1896 8min Charles Moisson France, Russia French 6
Coutumes Arabes 1910 3min France French NR
Damnation 1909 10min France French NR
Damnation of Faust 1898 Georges Méliès France French NR
Damnation of Faust, The 1903 6min Georges Méliès France French 6
David and Goliath 1910 11min Henri Andréani France French 7
Death of Pope Leo XIII 1903 1min Lucien Nonguet France French NR
Deux bons coeurs d'apaches 1910 4min Max Linder France French NR
Deux Petits Jésus 1910 17min Georges Denola France French 8
Devil and the Statue, The 1901 2min Georges Méliès France French 7
Devil's Castle, The 1897 1min Georges Méliès France French 5
Devil's Laboratory, The 1897 3min Georges Méliès France French NR
Devil's Pot 1903 2min Gaston Velle France French 4
Diabolical Saucepan, The 1904 2min France French NR
Domrémy: La Maison de Jeanne d’Arc 1899 1min Louis Lumière, Auguste Lumiere France French NR
Dream of a Hindu Beggar, The 1901 1min Georges Méliès France French NR
Dreyfus Affair, The 1899 13min Georges Méliès France French 7
Dreyfus Trial Scenes 1899 4min Julius W. Orde France French NR
Drink! A Great Temperance Story 1907 3min Georges Méliès France French NR
Election Of Pope Pius X 1903 2min Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet France French NR
En Indo-Chine, consécration d'un bonze 1910 5min France French NR
Entrevue De Napoléon Et Du Pape 1897 1min Georges Hatot, Gaston Breteau France French 6
Évian: Procession De La Fête-dieu 1898 4min France French 4
Execution Of Joan Of Arc 1898 1min Georges Hatot France French 6
Exodus, The 1910 22min Louis Feuillade France French 7
Faust 1904 16min Ferdinand Zecca France French 8
Faust 1905 45min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Faust 1911 18min Henri Andréani, Georges Fagot France, Italy French NR
Faust: 'À Moi Les Plaisirs!' 1908 France French NR
Faust and Marguerite 1897 5min Georges Méliès France French NR
Faust and Marguerite 1904 15min Georges Méliès France French 8
Faust: Apparition de Méphistophélès 1897 1min Georges Hatot France French 4
Faust: Métamorphose de Faust et apparition de Marguerite 1897 1min Georges Hatot France French NR
Faust Sauvé Des Enfers 1911 5min René Leprince France French NR
Feast of Balthazar, The 1910 16min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Feeding Pigeons in Front of St. Mark's Church, Venice 1896 1min Charles Moisson France, Italy French 6
Forge of Hell, The 1907 3min Segundo de Chomón France French NR
Funérailles annamites 1910 3min France French NR
Funny Story, The 1903 1min France French NR
Genii Of Fire, The 1908 5min Georges Méliès France French 7
Golden Lily, The 1909 8min Léonce Perret, Louis Feuillade France French 6
Grandmother's Story 1908 12min Georges Méliès France French 5
Group leaving church in Bohemia, Czech Republic 1897 1min Czech Republic, France French 5
Haunted Castle, The 1896 3min Georges Méliès France French 7
Herodias 1910 11min Georges Hatot, Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset France French NR
Humanity Through The Ages 1908 16min Georges Méliès France French NR
Imager of Mont Saint-Michel, The 1909 5min Louis Feuillade France French NR
In Nazareth 1904 3min Célestin Chevalier, Alfred Mulsant France, Palestine French NR
In The Time Of The First Christians 1910 12min André Calmettes France French NR
Infernal Cauldron, The 1903 2min Georges Méliès France French 6
Infernal Lair, The 1905 3min Gaston Velle France French 3
Invisible Siva, The 1904 1min Georges Méliès France French NR
Jeanne d'Arc 1903 Jacques de Fouchécour France French NR
Jeanne d'Arc 1909 Honoré Le Sablais France French NR
Jerusalem 1907 4min Léo Lefebvre France French NR
Jésus de Nazareth 1911 11min Henri Desfontaines, André Calmettes France French NR
Joan of Arc 1900 11min Georges Méliès France French 6
Joan of Arc 1909 16min Albert Capellani France French 7
Jolly Monks 1902 1min France French 6
Joseph Sold By His Brethren 1904 7min Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn France French NR
Joseph Sold By His Brethren 1909 9min France French NR
Joseph's Trials in Egypt 1913 42min Henri Andréani France French NR
Judgment Of Solomon, The 1904 2min France French NR
Judgment of Solomon, The 1909 4min Maurice de Féraudy France French NR
Judith and Holofernes 1910 8min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Judith et Holopherne 1909 4min France French NR
Justinian's Human Torches 1907 3min France French 6
Kairouan, la ville sainte tunisienne 1910 4min France French NR
Kiss of Judas, The 1908 8min André Calmettes, Armand Bour France French NR
La Esmeralda 1905 12min Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset, Alice Guy-Blaché France French 6
La Favorite 1907 8min France French NR
La Juive 1907 10min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
La légende du point d’Argentan 1907 7min France French 7
La Lettre au Bon Dieu 1905 3min France French NR
La Lettre au Bon Dieu 1909 France French NR
La Messe de Minuit 1905 5min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
La Passion de Notre Seigneur 1909 Honoré Le Sablais France French NR
La Prière de la Poupée 1909 France French NR
La Procession de Jeanne d'Arc 1900 France French NR
La procession de Sainte-Gudule 1897 Alexandre Belgium French NR
La Semaine Sainte à Séville 1898 3min France French 5
La Vie Du Christ 1898 11min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
La Vierge à la Crèche 1907 2min France French NR
Lace Maker's Dream, The 1910 5min France French NR
L’affaire Dreyfus 1898 Francis Doublier France French NR
L’affaire Dreyfus 1899 11min France French NR
L'ange De Noël 1907 5min France French 9
L'Angelus 1899 1min Albert Kirchner France French NR
L'archange 1909 Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset France French NR
Lawsuit Emile Zola 1898 2min France French 7
Le Caire: Départ du tapis sacré pour La Mecque 1897 1min Alexandre Promio Egypt, France French 7
Le Christ et la Pêcheresse 1908 6min France French NR
Le Crucifix 1906 2min France French NR
Le Crucifix 1909 3min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Le Czar et la Czarine, sortie du Panthéon 1896 1min Ernest Normandin France French 5
Le Fanatisme Musulman 1909 3min France French NR
Le fil de la vierge 1910 4min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Le Grotte Du Diable 1898 Georges Méliès France French NR
Le lépreux de la cité d’Aoste 1910 4min André Calmettes France French NR
A Bad Rich Man 1901 2min Ferdinand Zecca France French NR
Le messager de Notre-Dame 1910 4min Michel Carré France French NR
Le Miracle des Roses 1908 8min Émile Cohl, Étienne Arnaud France French NR
Le Mort qui Ressuscite 1906 2min France French NR
Le Noël de Colombine 1907 8min France French 5
Le Noël du Pauvre hère 1906 4min France French NR
Le Pape Léon XIII au Vatican 1903 2min Lucien Nonguet France, Vatican City State French 5
Le Pèlerinage à Lourdes 1903 Jacques de Fouchécour France French NR
Le Sacrifice d’Abraham 1909 Georges Denola France French NR
Leaving the Cathedral After Mass 1899 Henri Grünkorn Belgium Dutch, French NR
Leaving the Church Notre-Dame de Paris 1896 1min Henri Joly France French NR
Leaving the Church of Saint James 1899 Étienne Thévenon Belgium Dutch, French NR
Legend of Saint Nicholas 1910 France French NR
Legend of St. Nicholas, The 1906 6min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Legend of the Holy Chapel, The 1910 9min André Calmettes France French NR
Lerin's Abbey On St. Honorat's Island 1910 3min France French NR
Les Druides 1905 Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Les événements portugais 1910 2min France French NR
Les métamorphoses de Satan 1898 2min Georges Hatot France French 5
Les pagodes de Dagon à Rangoon 1910 5min France French NR
Les Rameaux (de Faure) 1906 France French NR
Les Rameaux. Hosanna! (de Faure) 1909 3min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Devil's Seven Castles, The 1901 11min Ferdinand Zecca France French 8
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The 1897 - 1900 12min Georges Hatot France French NR
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The 1902 - 1905 44min Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet France French NR
Life And Passion Of Jesus Christ, The 1898 11min Louis Lumière, Georges Hatot France French 6
Life Of Moses, The 1905 9min France French 8
Life Of Our Saviour; Or, The Passion Play, The 1913 - 1914 1h 40min Maurice Maître France French NR
L'inconsciente Salomé 1908 9min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Little Blind Girl's Christmas, The 1910 France French NR
Little Globe Trotter, The 1906 5min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Little Soldier Who Became a God, The 1908 5min Émile Cohl France French 5
Little Tyrolian's Christmas, The 1910 8min France French 8
Living Doll, The 1908 10min Georges Méliès France French NR
Lord’s Prayer, The 1910 5min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Lourdes 1909 6min France French NR
Lourdes, Procession 1897 6min Louis Lumière France French 9
Love Ye One Another 1910 6min Charles Decroix France French NR
Man Who Walks on the Water 1906 4min France French NR
Mariage du prince Victor-Emmanuel 1896 1min Charles Moisson France, Italy French NR
Martyrs of the Inquisition 1905 7min Lucien Nonguet France French NR
Merry Frolics of Satan, The 1906 21min Georges Méliès France French 6
Miracle de Noël 1910 France French NR
Miracle of a Necklace 1909 11min Jean Durand France French NR
Miracles Of Brahmin, The 1900 4min Georges Méliès France French NR
Miss Faust 1909 7min Camille de Morlhon France French NR
Modes and Customs of the Hindoos 1910 6min Camille Legrand France French NR
Moeurs et coutumes des bouddhistes aux Indes 1909 6min Camille Legrand France French NR
Mohammedan at Home, The 1908 4min France French NR
Moines et guerriers 1909 7min Julien Clément France French NR
Monk Dining, The 1902 1min France French NR
Monks at Home, The 1897 1min France French NR
Moses Saved from the Waters 1910 9min Henri Andréani France French 6
Most Beautiful Day in Life, The 1907 20min France French NR
Nativity, The 1910 14min Louis Feuillade France French 7
Noël (Adam) 1908 2min France French NR
Noël de la Fille Perdue 1906 5min Roméo Bosetti, Louis Feuillade France French NR
Noël De Riche, Noël De Pauvre 1906 3min France French NR
Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris 1897 1min Louis Lumière France French 5
Old Delhi and Its Ruins 1910 4min Camille Legrand France French 7
Oracle of Delphi, The 1903 2min Georges Méliès France French 5
Palace of Arabian Knights, The 1905 21min Georges Méliès France French 5
Palestine 1896 1897 18min Auguste Lumiere, Alexandre Promio France, Israel, Palestine French 7
Palestine - Documentary Programme 1904 15min Mulsant Egypt, France, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine French 7
Palestine - Programme biblique 1904 11min Mulsant France, Israel, Palestine French 7
Panorama de la place Saint-Marc pris d’un bateau 1897 Alexandre Promio France, Italy French NR
Panorama et métiers aux îles Moluques 1910 5min France French NR
Parish Priest's Christmas, The 1906 6min Alice Guy-Blaché France French 6
Passion, The 1897 5min Albert Kirchner, Michel Coissac France French NR
Pèlerinage Arabe 1909 3min France French NR
Pélerinage en Palestine et en Égypte 1897 - 1898 Albert Kirchner, Vincent de Paul Bailly de Surey Egypt, France, Israel, Palestine French NR
Pilgrimage at Lourdes 1903 - 1904 22min France French NR
Pilgrimage to Lourdes 1903 3min France French NR
Pilgrimage to Lourdes 1904 6min France French 7
Pillar of Fire, The 1899 1min Georges Méliès France French 5
Place Saint-augustin 1896 Georges Méliès France French NR
Pompey's Dream 1909 5min France French NR
Pour la gloire 1909 4min France French NR
Pride 1910 7min Legrand, Camille Dumény France French NR
Prière du Muezzin 1896 1min Alexandre Promio Algeria, France French 4
Procession 1896 France, Switzerland French NR
Procession du T.S. sacrement du miracle 1897 Alexandre Belgium French NR
Prodigal Daughter 1909 8min France French NR
Prodigal Son, The 1900 7min Michel Carré France French 6
Prodigal Son, The 1901 7min Ferdinand Zecca France French NR
Prodigal Son, The 1907 1h 30min Michel Carré, Jean Benoit-Lévy France French NR
Prodigal Son, The 1909 9min Georges Berr France French 8
Prodigal Son, The 1911 9min Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset France French NR
Providence Of The Waves, Or, The Dream Of A Poor Fisherman, The 1904 5min Georges Méliès France French NR
Quo Vadis 1901 2min Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet France French NR
Reims: La Cathédrale 1899 1min France French NR
Resurrection of Lazarus, The 1910 7min Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset, Georges Hatot France French NR
Retour De L'enfant Prodigue 1908 3min France French NR
Return of the Crusader, The 1908 6min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Revolving Table, The 1904 2min France French NR
Robert le Diable 1907 2min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Ronde de Noël 1910 5min France French NR
Russian Anti-Semitic Atrocities 1904 2min France French 6
Ruth and Boaz 1910 13min Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn France French NR
Sainte-Gudule 1897 1min Alexandre Promio Belgium, France French 4
Salome 1906 6min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Salomé 1908 10min Albert Capellani France French NR
Samson and Delilah 1902 6min Ferdinand Zecca France French 7
Samson and Delilah 1908 7min Ferdinand Zecca, Henri Andréani, Albert Capellani France French NR
Satan at Play 1907 10min Segundo de Chomón France French NR
Satan In Prison 1907 5min Georges Méliès France French 6
Satan's Jokes 1897 1min France French NR
Seven Capital Sins 1910 32min Louis Feuillade France French 10
Seven Capital Sins, The 1900 3min Georges Méliès France French NR
Sign of the Cross, The 1899 3min Georges Méliès France French 6
Sister Angelica 1909 7min Michel Carré France French NR
Sortie de la Cathédrale 1896 1min Charles Moisson France, Germany French NR
Sortie de l’église 1896 1min Louis Lumière France French 4
Spanish Inquisition 1899 1min Georges Méliès France French NR
St. Bartholomew's Day 1905 3min Lucien Nonguet France French NR
St. Nick's Spectacles 1906 5min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
St. Paul and the Centurion 1910 11min France French NR
Story of Esther, The 1910 19min Louis Feuillade France French 9
Summoning the Spirits 1899 1min Georges Méliès France French 4
Summoning The Spirits 1899 1min Georges Méliès France French NR
Temple of the Sun, The 1901 2min Georges Méliès France French NR
Temptation Of Saint Anthony, The 1898 1min Georges Méliès France French 8
Temptation of St Anthony, The 1896 1min Eugène Pirou France French NR
Temptation of St. Anthony, The 1905 2min Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn France French NR
Tentation de Saint-Antoine 1903 2min Gaston Velle France French NR
Treasures of Satan, The 1902 3min Georges Méliès France French 6
Trials of a Schoolmaster, The 1901 3min Georges Méliès France French NR
Une Noce à l’église 1897 2min France French 6
Venise: Place Saint-Marc 1897 1min France, Italy French NR
Victor Hugo et les principaux personnages des Misérables 1897 1min France French 7
Views Taken at Lourdes 1902 3min France French NR
Vow; Or, Jephthah's Daughter, The 1910 9min Léonce Perret, Louis Feuillade France French 8
Wandering Jew, The 1904 3min Georges Méliès France French 8
Wandering Soul, The 1907 6min France French NR
Weird Fancies 1907 3min Segundo de Chomón France French 6
Wonderful Flames 1907 4min Segundo de Chomón France French 5