A Confession In Spain |
1897 |
1min |
France |
French |
NR |
A Forester Made King |
1907 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
A Funny Mahometan |
1897 |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
A Miracle Under The Inquisition |
1904 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
6 |
A Missionary Martyred at Pao-Ting-Fou Intervention of the Allied Troops |
1901 |
1min |
Ferdinand Zecca |
France |
French |
NR |
A Modern Samson |
1908 |
5min |
Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn |
France |
French |
NR |
Apparitions De La Très Sainte Vierge à Bernadette |
1903 |
C. Fourcade |
France |
French |
NR |
Arlequin Et Méphistophélès |
1903 |
1min |
Gaston Velle |
France |
French |
NR |
Arles: la sortie de Saint-Trophime |
1900 |
1min |
France |
French |
4 |
At the Confessional |
1902 |
1min |
France |
French |
NR |
Athaliah |
1910 |
15min |
Michel Carré, Albert Capellani |
France |
French |
NR |
Au pays de l'enfance du Christ |
1903 - 1904 |
22min |
Célestin Chevalier, Alfred Mulsant |
Egypt, France, Israel, Palestine |
French |
NR |
Ave Maria (de Gounod) |
1904 |
2min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French, Latin |
NR |
Beautiful Margaret, The |
1910 |
6min |
Émile Cohl |
France |
French |
5 |
Beggar's Repentance, The |
1909 |
8min |
Camille de Morlhon |
France |
French |
NR |
Benares, the Holy City of the Hindus |
1910 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
Bernadette Soubirous et les Apparitions de Lourdes |
1909 |
12min |
Honoré Le Sablais |
France |
French |
9 |
Birth, Life And Death Of Christ, The |
1906 |
33min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
8 |
Black Imp, The |
1905 |
4min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
5 |
Blind Man of Jerusalem, The |
1909 |
11min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
9 |
Brahmin and the Butterfly, The |
1901 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
6 |
Brahmin's Miracle, The |
1908 |
4min |
Segundo de Chomón |
France |
French |
NR |
Cain |
1910 |
9min |
France |
French |
NR |
Cake-Walk Infernal, The |
1903 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
7 |
Cave Of The Demons, The |
1898 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Cave of the Spooks |
1908 |
4min |
Segundo de Chomón |
France |
French |
NR |
Cérémonie religieuse d'un mariage chez les Parsis de l'Inde à Bombay |
1910 |
4min |
Camille Legrand |
France |
French |
NR |
Christ on the Cross |
1910 |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Christ Walking On The Water |
1899 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Christian Martyrs |
1905 |
7min |
Lucien Nonguet |
France |
French |
7 |
Christmas Angel, The |
1904 |
10min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
7 |
Christmas Dream, The |
1900 |
4min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
6 |
Christmas Eve Tragedy |
1908 |
10min |
France |
French |
5 |
Christmas Miracle |
1905 |
3min |
France |
French |
7 |
Christmas-Night |
1902 |
2min |
France |
French |
NR |
Christmas Through The Ages |
1908 |
8min |
France |
French |
NR |
Clock-Maker's Secret, The |
1907 |
9min |
Gaston Velle |
France |
French |
6 |
Comment Yannick fut à la Messe de Minuit |
1906 |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
Confession |
1905 |
1min |
France |
French |
NR |
Conjuring |
1896 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
5 |
Conscience de Prêtre |
1906 |
5min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
Constant Girel au Japon |
1897 - 1898 |
15min |
Constant Girel, Gabriel Veyre |
France, Japan |
French |
7 |
Couronnement du tsar Nicolas II à Moscou |
1896 |
8min |
Charles Moisson |
France, Russia |
French |
6 |
Coutumes Arabes |
1910 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Damnation |
1909 |
10min |
France |
French |
NR |
Damnation of Faust |
1898 |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Damnation of Faust, The |
1903 |
6min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
6 |
David and Goliath |
1910 |
11min |
Henri Andréani |
France |
French |
7 |
Death of Pope Leo XIII |
1903 |
1min |
Lucien Nonguet |
France |
French |
NR |
Deux bons coeurs d'apaches |
1910 |
4min |
Max Linder |
France |
French |
NR |
Deux Petits Jésus |
1910 |
17min |
Georges Denola |
France |
French |
8 |
Devil and the Statue, The |
1901 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
7 |
Devil's Castle, The |
1897 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
5 |
Devil's Laboratory, The |
1897 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Devil's Pot |
1903 |
2min |
Gaston Velle |
France |
French |
4 |
Diabolical Saucepan, The |
1904 |
2min |
France |
French |
NR |
Domrémy: La Maison de Jeanne d’Arc |
1899 |
1min |
Louis Lumière, Auguste Lumiere |
France |
French |
NR |
Dream of a Hindu Beggar, The |
1901 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Dreyfus Affair, The |
1899 |
13min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
7 |
Dreyfus Trial Scenes |
1899 |
4min |
Julius W. Orde |
France |
French |
NR |
Drink! A Great Temperance Story |
1907 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Election Of Pope Pius X |
1903 |
2min |
Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet |
France |
French |
NR |
En Indo-Chine, consécration d'un bonze |
1910 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Entrevue De Napoléon Et Du Pape |
1897 |
1min |
Georges Hatot, Gaston Breteau |
France |
French |
6 |
Évian: Procession De La Fête-dieu |
1898 |
4min |
France |
French |
4 |
Execution Of Joan Of Arc |
1898 |
1min |
Georges Hatot |
France |
French |
6 |
Exodus, The |
1910 |
22min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
7 |
Faust |
1904 |
16min |
Ferdinand Zecca |
France |
French |
8 |
Faust |
1905 |
45min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
Faust |
1911 |
18min |
Henri Andréani, Georges Fagot |
France, Italy |
French |
NR |
Faust: 'À Moi Les Plaisirs!' |
1908 |
France |
French |
NR |
Faust and Marguerite |
1897 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Faust and Marguerite |
1904 |
15min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
8 |
Faust: Apparition de Méphistophélès |
1897 |
1min |
Georges Hatot |
France |
French |
4 |
Faust: Métamorphose de Faust et apparition de Marguerite |
1897 |
1min |
Georges Hatot |
France |
French |
NR |
Faust Sauvé Des Enfers |
1911 |
5min |
René Leprince |
France |
French |
NR |
Feast of Balthazar, The |
1910 |
16min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Feeding Pigeons in Front of St. Mark's Church, Venice |
1896 |
1min |
Charles Moisson |
France, Italy |
French |
6 |
Forge of Hell, The |
1907 |
3min |
Segundo de Chomón |
France |
French |
NR |
Funérailles annamites |
1910 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Funny Story, The |
1903 |
1min |
France |
French |
NR |
Genii Of Fire, The |
1908 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
7 |
Golden Lily, The |
1909 |
8min |
Léonce Perret, Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
6 |
Grandmother's Story |
1908 |
12min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
5 |
Group leaving church in Bohemia, Czech Republic |
1897 |
1min |
Czech Republic, France |
French |
5 |
Haunted Castle, The |
1896 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
7 |
Herodias |
1910 |
11min |
Georges Hatot, Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset |
France |
French |
NR |
Humanity Through The Ages |
1908 |
16min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Imager of Mont Saint-Michel, The |
1909 |
5min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
In Nazareth |
1904 |
3min |
Célestin Chevalier, Alfred Mulsant |
France, Palestine |
French |
NR |
In The Time Of The First Christians |
1910 |
12min |
André Calmettes |
France |
French |
NR |
Infernal Cauldron, The |
1903 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
6 |
Infernal Lair, The |
1905 |
3min |
Gaston Velle |
France |
French |
3 |
Invisible Siva, The |
1904 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Jeanne d'Arc |
1903 |
Jacques de Fouchécour |
France |
French |
NR |
Jeanne d'Arc |
1909 |
Honoré Le Sablais |
France |
French |
NR |
Jerusalem |
1907 |
4min |
Léo Lefebvre |
France |
French |
NR |
Jésus de Nazareth |
1911 |
11min |
Henri Desfontaines, André Calmettes |
France |
French |
NR |
Joan of Arc |
1900 |
11min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
6 |
Joan of Arc |
1909 |
16min |
Albert Capellani |
France |
French |
7 |
Jolly Monks |
1902 |
1min |
France |
French |
6 |
Joseph Sold By His Brethren |
1904 |
7min |
Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn |
France |
French |
NR |
Joseph Sold By His Brethren |
1909 |
9min |
France |
French |
NR |
Joseph's Trials in Egypt |
1913 |
42min |
Henri Andréani |
France |
French |
NR |
Judgment Of Solomon, The |
1904 |
2min |
France |
French |
NR |
Judgment of Solomon, The |
1909 |
4min |
Maurice de Féraudy |
France |
French |
NR |
Judith and Holofernes |
1910 |
8min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Judith et Holopherne |
1909 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
Justinian's Human Torches |
1907 |
3min |
France |
French |
6 |
Kairouan, la ville sainte tunisienne |
1910 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
Kiss of Judas, The |
1908 |
8min |
André Calmettes, Armand Bour |
France |
French |
NR |
La Esmeralda |
1905 |
12min |
Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset, Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
6 |
La Favorite |
1907 |
8min |
France |
French |
NR |
La Juive |
1907 |
10min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
La légende du point d’Argentan |
1907 |
7min |
France |
French |
7 |
La Lettre au Bon Dieu |
1905 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
La Lettre au Bon Dieu |
1909 |
France |
French |
NR |
La Messe de Minuit |
1905 |
5min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
La Passion de Notre Seigneur |
1909 |
Honoré Le Sablais |
France |
French |
NR |
La Prière de la Poupée |
1909 |
France |
French |
NR |
La Procession de Jeanne d'Arc |
1900 |
France |
French |
NR |
La procession de Sainte-Gudule |
1897 |
Alexandre |
Belgium |
French |
NR |
La Semaine Sainte à Séville |
1898 |
3min |
France |
French |
5 |
La Vie Du Christ |
1898 |
11min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
La Vierge à la Crèche |
1907 |
2min |
France |
French |
NR |
Lace Maker's Dream, The |
1910 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
L’affaire Dreyfus |
1898 |
Francis Doublier |
France |
French |
NR |
L’affaire Dreyfus |
1899 |
11min |
France |
French |
NR |
L'ange De Noël |
1907 |
5min |
France |
French |
9 |
L'Angelus |
1899 |
1min |
Albert Kirchner |
France |
French |
NR |
L'archange |
1909 |
Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset |
France |
French |
NR |
Lawsuit Emile Zola |
1898 |
2min |
France |
French |
7 |
Le Caire: Départ du tapis sacré pour La Mecque |
1897 |
1min |
Alexandre Promio |
Egypt, France |
French |
7 |
Le Christ et la Pêcheresse |
1908 |
6min |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Crucifix |
1906 |
2min |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Crucifix |
1909 |
3min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Czar et la Czarine, sortie du Panthéon |
1896 |
1min |
Ernest Normandin |
France |
French |
5 |
Le Fanatisme Musulman |
1909 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Le fil de la vierge |
1910 |
4min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Grotte Du Diable |
1898 |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Le lépreux de la cité d’Aoste |
1910 |
4min |
André Calmettes |
France |
French |
NR |
A Bad Rich Man |
1901 |
2min |
Ferdinand Zecca |
France |
French |
NR |
Le messager de Notre-Dame |
1910 |
4min |
Michel Carré |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Miracle des Roses |
1908 |
8min |
Émile Cohl, Étienne Arnaud |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Mort qui Ressuscite |
1906 |
2min |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Noël de Colombine |
1907 |
8min |
France |
French |
5 |
Le Noël du Pauvre hère |
1906 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Pape Léon XIII au Vatican |
1903 |
2min |
Lucien Nonguet |
France, Vatican City State |
French |
5 |
Le Pèlerinage à Lourdes |
1903 |
Jacques de Fouchécour |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Sacrifice d’Abraham |
1909 |
Georges Denola |
France |
French |
NR |
Leaving the Cathedral After Mass |
1899 |
Henri Grünkorn |
Belgium |
Dutch, French |
NR |
Leaving the Church Notre-Dame de Paris |
1896 |
1min |
Henri Joly |
France |
French |
NR |
Leaving the Church of Saint James |
1899 |
Étienne Thévenon |
Belgium |
Dutch, French |
NR |
Legend of Saint Nicholas |
1910 |
France |
French |
NR |
Legend of St. Nicholas, The |
1906 |
6min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
Legend of the Holy Chapel, The |
1910 |
9min |
André Calmettes |
France |
French |
NR |
Lerin's Abbey On St. Honorat's Island |
1910 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Les Druides |
1905 |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
Les événements portugais |
1910 |
2min |
France |
French |
NR |
Les métamorphoses de Satan |
1898 |
2min |
Georges Hatot |
France |
French |
5 |
Les pagodes de Dagon à Rangoon |
1910 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Les Rameaux (de Faure) |
1906 |
France |
French |
NR |
Les Rameaux. Hosanna! (de Faure) |
1909 |
3min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Devil's Seven Castles, The |
1901 |
11min |
Ferdinand Zecca |
France |
French |
8 |
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The |
1897 - 1900 |
12min |
Georges Hatot |
France |
French |
NR |
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The |
1902 - 1905 |
44min |
Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet |
France |
French |
NR |
Life And Passion Of Jesus Christ, The |
1898 |
11min |
Louis Lumière, Georges Hatot |
France |
French |
6 |
Life Of Moses, The |
1905 |
9min |
France |
French |
8 |
Life Of Our Saviour; Or, The Passion Play, The |
1913 - 1914 |
1h 40min |
Maurice Maître |
France |
French |
NR |
L'inconsciente Salomé |
1908 |
9min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Little Blind Girl's Christmas, The |
1910 |
France |
French |
NR |
Little Globe Trotter, The |
1906 |
5min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
Little Soldier Who Became a God, The |
1908 |
5min |
Émile Cohl |
France |
French |
5 |
Little Tyrolian's Christmas, The |
1910 |
8min |
France |
French |
8 |
Living Doll, The |
1908 |
10min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Lord’s Prayer, The |
1910 |
5min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Lourdes |
1909 |
6min |
France |
French |
NR |
Lourdes, Procession |
1897 |
6min |
Louis Lumière |
France |
French |
9 |
Love Ye One Another |
1910 |
6min |
Charles Decroix |
France |
French |
NR |
Man Who Walks on the Water |
1906 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
Mariage du prince Victor-Emmanuel |
1896 |
1min |
Charles Moisson |
France, Italy |
French |
NR |
Martyrs of the Inquisition |
1905 |
7min |
Lucien Nonguet |
France |
French |
NR |
Merry Frolics of Satan, The |
1906 |
21min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
6 |
Miracle de Noël |
1910 |
France |
French |
NR |
Miracle of a Necklace |
1909 |
11min |
Jean Durand |
France |
French |
NR |
Miracles Of Brahmin, The |
1900 |
4min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Miss Faust |
1909 |
7min |
Camille de Morlhon |
France |
French |
NR |
Modes and Customs of the Hindoos |
1910 |
6min |
Camille Legrand |
France |
French |
NR |
Moeurs et coutumes des bouddhistes aux Indes |
1909 |
6min |
Camille Legrand |
France |
French |
NR |
Mohammedan at Home, The |
1908 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
Moines et guerriers |
1909 |
7min |
Julien Clément |
France |
French |
NR |
Monk Dining, The |
1902 |
1min |
France |
French |
NR |
Monks at Home, The |
1897 |
1min |
France |
French |
NR |
Moses Saved from the Waters |
1910 |
9min |
Henri Andréani |
France |
French |
6 |
Most Beautiful Day in Life, The |
1907 |
20min |
France |
French |
NR |
Nativity, The |
1910 |
14min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
7 |
Noël (Adam) |
1908 |
2min |
France |
French |
NR |
Noël de la Fille Perdue |
1906 |
5min |
Roméo Bosetti, Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Noël De Riche, Noël De Pauvre |
1906 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris |
1897 |
1min |
Louis Lumière |
France |
French |
5 |
Old Delhi and Its Ruins |
1910 |
4min |
Camille Legrand |
France |
French |
7 |
Oracle of Delphi, The |
1903 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
5 |
Palace of Arabian Knights, The |
1905 |
21min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
5 |
Palestine 1896 |
1897 |
18min |
Auguste Lumiere, Alexandre Promio |
France, Israel, Palestine |
French |
7 |
Palestine - Documentary Programme |
1904 |
15min |
Mulsant |
Egypt, France, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine |
French |
7 |
Palestine - Programme biblique |
1904 |
11min |
Mulsant |
France, Israel, Palestine |
French |
7 |
Panorama de la place Saint-Marc pris d’un bateau |
1897 |
Alexandre Promio |
France, Italy |
French |
NR |
Panorama et métiers aux îles Moluques |
1910 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Parish Priest's Christmas, The |
1906 |
6min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
6 |
Passion, The |
1897 |
5min |
Albert Kirchner, Michel Coissac |
France |
French |
NR |
Pèlerinage Arabe |
1909 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Pélerinage en Palestine et en Égypte |
1897 - 1898 |
Albert Kirchner, Vincent de Paul Bailly de Surey |
Egypt, France, Israel, Palestine |
French |
NR |
Pilgrimage at Lourdes |
1903 - 1904 |
22min |
France |
French |
NR |
Pilgrimage to Lourdes |
1903 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Pilgrimage to Lourdes |
1904 |
6min |
France |
French |
7 |
Pillar of Fire, The |
1899 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
5 |
Place Saint-augustin |
1896 |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Pompey's Dream |
1909 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Pour la gloire |
1909 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
Pride |
1910 |
7min |
Legrand, Camille Dumény |
France |
French |
NR |
Prière du Muezzin |
1896 |
1min |
Alexandre Promio |
Algeria, France |
French |
4 |
Procession |
1896 |
France, Switzerland |
French |
NR |
Procession du T.S. sacrement du miracle |
1897 |
Alexandre |
Belgium |
French |
NR |
Prodigal Daughter |
1909 |
8min |
France |
French |
NR |
Prodigal Son, The |
1900 |
7min |
Michel Carré |
France |
French |
6 |
Prodigal Son, The |
1901 |
7min |
Ferdinand Zecca |
France |
French |
NR |
Prodigal Son, The |
1907 |
1h 30min |
Michel Carré, Jean Benoit-Lévy |
France |
French |
NR |
Prodigal Son, The |
1909 |
9min |
Georges Berr |
France |
French |
8 |
Prodigal Son, The |
1911 |
9min |
Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset |
France |
French |
NR |
Providence Of The Waves, Or, The Dream Of A Poor Fisherman, The |
1904 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Quo Vadis |
1901 |
2min |
Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet |
France |
French |
NR |
Reims: La Cathédrale |
1899 |
1min |
France |
French |
NR |
Resurrection of Lazarus, The |
1910 |
7min |
Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset, Georges Hatot |
France |
French |
NR |
Retour De L'enfant Prodigue |
1908 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Return of the Crusader, The |
1908 |
6min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Revolving Table, The |
1904 |
2min |
France |
French |
NR |
Robert le Diable |
1907 |
2min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
Ronde de Noël |
1910 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Russian Anti-Semitic Atrocities |
1904 |
2min |
France |
French |
6 |
Ruth and Boaz |
1910 |
13min |
Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn |
France |
French |
NR |
Sainte-Gudule |
1897 |
1min |
Alexandre Promio |
Belgium, France |
French |
4 |
Salome |
1906 |
6min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
Salomé |
1908 |
10min |
Albert Capellani |
France |
French |
NR |
Samson and Delilah |
1902 |
6min |
Ferdinand Zecca |
France |
French |
7 |
Samson and Delilah |
1908 |
7min |
Ferdinand Zecca, Henri Andréani, Albert Capellani |
France |
French |
NR |
Satan at Play |
1907 |
10min |
Segundo de Chomón |
France |
French |
NR |
Satan In Prison |
1907 |
5min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
6 |
Satan's Jokes |
1897 |
1min |
France |
French |
NR |
Seven Capital Sins |
1910 |
32min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
10 |
Seven Capital Sins, The |
1900 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Sign of the Cross, The |
1899 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
6 |
Sister Angelica |
1909 |
7min |
Michel Carré |
France |
French |
NR |
Sortie de la Cathédrale |
1896 |
1min |
Charles Moisson |
France, Germany |
French |
NR |
Sortie de l’église |
1896 |
1min |
Louis Lumière |
France |
French |
4 |
Spanish Inquisition |
1899 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
St. Bartholomew's Day |
1905 |
3min |
Lucien Nonguet |
France |
French |
NR |
St. Nick's Spectacles |
1906 |
5min |
Alice Guy-Blaché |
France |
French |
NR |
St. Paul and the Centurion |
1910 |
11min |
France |
French |
NR |
Story of Esther, The |
1910 |
19min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
9 |
Summoning the Spirits |
1899 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
4 |
Summoning The Spirits |
1899 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Temple of the Sun, The |
1901 |
2min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Temptation Of Saint Anthony, The |
1898 |
1min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
8 |
Temptation of St Anthony, The |
1896 |
1min |
Eugène Pirou |
France |
French |
NR |
Temptation of St. Anthony, The |
1905 |
2min |
Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn |
France |
French |
NR |
Tentation de Saint-Antoine |
1903 |
2min |
Gaston Velle |
France |
French |
NR |
Treasures of Satan, The |
1902 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
6 |
Trials of a Schoolmaster, The |
1901 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
NR |
Une Noce à l’église |
1897 |
2min |
France |
French |
6 |
Venise: Place Saint-Marc |
1897 |
1min |
France, Italy |
French |
NR |
Victor Hugo et les principaux personnages des Misérables |
1897 |
1min |
France |
French |
7 |
Views Taken at Lourdes |
1902 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Vow; Or, Jephthah's Daughter, The |
1910 |
9min |
Léonce Perret, Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
8 |
Wandering Jew, The |
1904 |
3min |
Georges Méliès |
France |
French |
8 |
Wandering Soul, The |
1907 |
6min |
France |
French |
NR |
Weird Fancies |
1907 |
3min |
Segundo de Chomón |
France |
French |
6 |
Wonderful Flames |
1907 |
4min |
Segundo de Chomón |
France |
French |
5 |