Movies produced in 1907

Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
A Forester Made King 1907 5min Georges Méliès France French NR
A Modern Samson 1907 4min Gaston Velle Italy Italian NR
A Trip Through The Holy Land 1907 5min Israel, United Kingdom English NR
Ben Hur 1907 15min Frank Oakes Rose, Sidney Olcott United States English 4
Christians Awake! 1907 Arthur Gilbert United Kingdom English NR
Clock-Maker's Secret, The 1907 9min Gaston Velle France French 6
Cohen's Fire Sale 1907 10min Edwin S. Porter United States English 7
Drink! A Great Temperance Story 1907 3min Georges Méliès France French NR
Faust 1907 1h 6min Arthur Gilbert United Kingdom English NR
Faust: 'Serenata di Faust' 1907 2min Italy Italian NR
Forge of Hell, The 1907 3min Segundo de Chomón France French NR
Hérodiade 1907 4min Brazil Portuguese NR
If You Had A Wife Like This 1907 12min United States English NR
Jerusalem 1907 4min Léo Lefebvre France French NR
Justinian's Human Torches 1907 3min France French 6
La Favorite 1907 8min France French NR
La Juive 1907 10min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
La légende du point d’Argentan 1907 7min France French 7
La Vierge à la Crèche 1907 2min France French NR
L'ange De Noël 1907 5min France French 9
Le Noël de Colombine 1907 8min France French 5
Leggenda Di San Nicola 1907 5min Italy Italian NR
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The 1906 - 1907 44min Ferdinand Zecca, Segundo de Chomón 8
Missionary Life in India 1906 - 1907 Henry Howse India, United Kingdom English 6
Moses Sells a Collar Button 1907 2min United States English NR
Most Beautiful Day in Life, The 1907 20min France French NR
Nun, The 1907 6min Lewin Fitzhamon United Kingdom English NR
Prodigal Son, The 1907 1h 30min Michel Carré, Jean Benoit-Lévy France French NR
Robert le Diable 1907 2min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Salome 1907 5min United States English NR
Salome, Dance of the Seven Veils 1907 1min United States English NR
Satan at Play 1907 10min Segundo de Chomón France French NR
Satan In Prison 1907 5min Georges Méliès France French 6
Trip Through Utah 1907 7min United States English NR
Under The Old Apple Tree 1907 4min United States English NR
Wandering Soul, The 1907 6min France French NR
Weird Fancies 1907 3min Segundo de Chomón France French 6
When The Devil Drives 1907 5min Walter R. Booth United Kingdom English NR
Wonderful Flames 1907 4min Segundo de Chomón France French 5