Movies about travel

Category group: Theme
Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
A Trip Through The Holy Land 1907 5min Israel, United Kingdom English NR
A Trip to Palestine 1904 10min Israel, Palestine, United Kingdom English NR
A Trip to Salt Lake City 1905 2min United States English 7
Arabian Jewish Dance 1903 1min Syria, United States English NR
Constantinople and the Bosporus 1904 7min Turkey, United Kingdom English NR
Curious Sights in Burmah and Cashmere 1904 7min United Kingdom English NR
Delhi, Great Capital of India 1909 4min Camille Legrand France, India English 8
Feeding Pigeons In Front Of St. Mark's Cathedral, Venice, Italy 1903 1min Italy, United States English NR
Feeding Pigeons in Front of St. Mark's Church, Venice 1896 1min Charles Moisson France, Italy French 6
Feeding The Pigeons In Saint Mark's Square, Venice 1898 1min William K.L. Dickson Italy, United Kingdom English 6
In the Land of Mohammed 1911 17min Egypt, United Kingdom English NR
Jerusalem 1907 4min Léo Lefebvre France French NR
Kairouan, la ville sainte tunisienne 1910 4min France French NR
Lerin's Abbey On St. Honorat's Island 1910 3min France French NR
Modern Rome: St. Peter's And The Vatican 1911 16min Italy, United Kingdom English NR
Old Delhi and Its Ruins 1910 4min Camille Legrand France French 7
Palestine 1896 1897 18min Auguste Lumiere, Alexandre Promio France, Israel, Palestine French 7
Pélerinage en Palestine et en Égypte 1897 - 1898 Albert Kirchner, Vincent de Paul Bailly de Surey Egypt, France, Israel, Palestine French NR
Pilgrimage to Lourdes 1904 6min France French 7
Piræus and Athens (Greece) 1904 7min Greece, United Kingdom English NR
Rome and the Vatican 1903 2min Italy, United States English NR
Salt Lake City, Utah, and its Surroundings 1912 5min J. Searle Dawley United States English NR
Trip Through Utah 1907 7min United States English NR
Voyage de William Booth en Palestine 1905 Henry Howse Israel, Palestine, United Kingdom English NR