A Child of the Ghetto |
1910 |
16min |
D.W. Griffith |
United States |
English |
6 |
A Mexican Legend |
1910 |
8min |
Mexico, United States |
English |
NR |
Adam and Eve |
1910 |
8min |
Phil Bruns |
United Kingdom |
English |
NR |
Athaliah |
1910 |
15min |
Michel Carré, Albert Capellani |
France |
French |
NR |
Beautiful Margaret, The |
1910 |
6min |
Émile Cohl |
France |
French |
5 |
Benares, the Holy City of the Hindus |
1910 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
Cain |
1910 |
9min |
France |
French |
NR |
Caino |
1910 |
7min |
Italy |
Italian |
NR |
Cérémonie religieuse d'un mariage chez les Parsis de l'Inde à Bombay |
1910 |
4min |
Camille Legrand |
France |
French |
NR |
Christ on the Cross |
1910 |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Coutumes Arabes |
1910 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
David and Goliath |
1910 |
11min |
Henri Andréani |
France |
French |
7 |
Deux bons coeurs d'apaches |
1910 |
4min |
Max Linder |
France |
French |
NR |
Deux Petits Jésus |
1910 |
17min |
Georges Denola |
France |
French |
8 |
En Indo-Chine, consécration d'un bonze |
1910 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Exodus, The |
1910 |
22min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
7 |
Faust |
1910 |
18min |
Enrico Guazzoni |
Italy |
Italian |
7 |
Faust |
1910 |
45min |
David Barnett |
United Kingdom |
English |
NR |
Feast of Balthazar, The |
1910 |
16min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
From Love to Martyrdom |
1910 |
12min |
Italy |
Italian |
NR |
Funérailles annamites |
1910 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Her Father’s Pride |
1910 |
11min |
D.W. Griffith |
United States |
English |
NR |
Herodias |
1910 |
11min |
Georges Hatot, Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset |
France |
French |
NR |
In The Time Of The First Christians |
1910 |
12min |
André Calmettes |
France |
French |
NR |
John Halifax, Gentleman |
1910 |
11min |
Theodore Marston |
United States |
English |
NR |
Judith and Holofernes |
1910 |
8min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Kairouan, la ville sainte tunisienne |
1910 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
Lace Maker's Dream, The |
1910 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Le fil de la vierge |
1910 |
4min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Le lépreux de la cité d’Aoste |
1910 |
4min |
André Calmettes |
France |
French |
NR |
Le messager de Notre-Dame |
1910 |
4min |
Michel Carré |
France |
French |
NR |
Legend of Saint Nicholas |
1910 |
France |
French |
NR |
Legend of the Holy Chapel, The |
1910 |
9min |
André Calmettes |
France |
French |
NR |
Lerin's Abbey On St. Honorat's Island |
1910 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Les événements portugais |
1910 |
2min |
France |
French |
NR |
Les pagodes de Dagon à Rangoon |
1910 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Life of St. Paul, The |
1910 |
11min |
Rodolfo Kanzler, Giuseppe de Liguoro |
Italy |
Italian |
NR |
Little Blind Girl's Christmas, The |
1910 |
France |
French |
NR |
Little Tyrolian's Christmas, The |
1910 |
8min |
France |
French |
8 |
Lord’s Prayer, The |
1910 |
5min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Love Ye One Another |
1910 |
6min |
Charles Decroix |
France |
French |
NR |
Miracle de Noël |
1910 |
France |
French |
NR |
Modern Prodigal, The |
1910 |
13min |
D.W. Griffith |
United States |
English |
8 |
Modes and Customs of the Hindoos |
1910 |
6min |
Camille Legrand |
France |
French |
NR |
Moses Saved from the Waters |
1910 |
9min |
Henri Andréani |
France |
French |
6 |
Nativity, The |
1910 |
14min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
7 |
Noël des six Petits Riches et des six Petits Pauvres |
1910 |
5min |
NR |
Old Delhi and Its Ruins |
1910 |
4min |
Camille Legrand |
France |
French |
7 |
Panorama et métiers aux îles Moluques |
1910 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Pride |
1910 |
7min |
Legrand, Camille Dumény |
France |
French |
NR |
Prodigal Son, The |
1910 |
Denmark |
Danish |
NR |
Resurrection of Lazarus, The |
1910 |
7min |
Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset, Georges Hatot |
France |
French |
NR |
Ronde de Noël |
1910 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Rose o' Salem Town |
1910 |
15min |
D.W. Griffith |
United States |
English |
7 |
Ruth and Boaz |
1910 |
13min |
Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn |
France |
French |
NR |
Salomè |
1910 |
10min |
Ugo Falena |
Italy |
Italian |
7 |
Salome |
1910 |
United Kingdom |
English |
NR |
Saved By Divine Providence |
1910 |
11min |
United States |
English |
NR |
Seven Capital Sins |
1910 |
32min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
10 |
St. George And The Dragon |
1910 |
6min |
United States |
English |
NR |
St. Paul and the Centurion |
1910 |
11min |
France |
French |
NR |
Story of Esther, The |
1910 |
19min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
9 |
Vow; Or, Jephthah's Daughter, The |
1910 |
9min |
Léonce Perret, Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
8 |
Way of the World, The |
1910 |
16min |
D.W. Griffith |
United States |
English |
NR |
Woman of Samaria, The |
1910 |
10min |
Henri Desfontaines |
France, Italy |
Italian |
NR |