Movies produced in 1910

Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
A Child of the Ghetto 1910 16min D.W. Griffith United States English 6
A Mexican Legend 1910 8min Mexico, United States English NR
Adam and Eve 1910 8min Phil Bruns United Kingdom English NR
Athaliah 1910 15min Michel Carré, Albert Capellani France French NR
Beautiful Margaret, The 1910 6min Émile Cohl France French 5
Benares, the Holy City of the Hindus 1910 4min France French NR
Cain 1910 9min France French NR
Caino 1910 7min Italy Italian NR
Cérémonie religieuse d'un mariage chez les Parsis de l'Inde à Bombay 1910 4min Camille Legrand France French NR
Christ on the Cross 1910 Louis Feuillade France French NR
Coutumes Arabes 1910 3min France French NR
David and Goliath 1910 11min Henri Andréani France French 7
Deux bons coeurs d'apaches 1910 4min Max Linder France French NR
Deux Petits Jésus 1910 17min Georges Denola France French 8
En Indo-Chine, consécration d'un bonze 1910 5min France French NR
Exodus, The 1910 22min Louis Feuillade France French 7
Faust 1910 18min Enrico Guazzoni Italy Italian 7
Faust 1910 45min David Barnett United Kingdom English NR
Feast of Balthazar, The 1910 16min Louis Feuillade France French NR
From Love to Martyrdom 1910 12min Italy Italian NR
Funérailles annamites 1910 3min France French NR
Her Father’s Pride 1910 11min D.W. Griffith United States English NR
Herodias 1910 11min Georges Hatot, Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset France French NR
In The Time Of The First Christians 1910 12min André Calmettes France French NR
John Halifax, Gentleman 1910 11min Theodore Marston United States English NR
Judith and Holofernes 1910 8min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Kairouan, la ville sainte tunisienne 1910 4min France French NR
Lace Maker's Dream, The 1910 5min France French NR
Le fil de la vierge 1910 4min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Le lépreux de la cité d’Aoste 1910 4min André Calmettes France French NR
Le messager de Notre-Dame 1910 4min Michel Carré France French NR
Legend of Saint Nicholas 1910 France French NR
Legend of the Holy Chapel, The 1910 9min André Calmettes France French NR
Lerin's Abbey On St. Honorat's Island 1910 3min France French NR
Les événements portugais 1910 2min France French NR
Les pagodes de Dagon à Rangoon 1910 5min France French NR
Life of St. Paul, The 1910 11min Rodolfo Kanzler, Giuseppe de Liguoro Italy Italian NR
Little Blind Girl's Christmas, The 1910 France French NR
Little Tyrolian's Christmas, The 1910 8min France French 8
Lord’s Prayer, The 1910 5min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Love Ye One Another 1910 6min Charles Decroix France French NR
Miracle de Noël 1910 France French NR
Modern Prodigal, The 1910 13min D.W. Griffith United States English 8
Modes and Customs of the Hindoos 1910 6min Camille Legrand France French NR
Moses Saved from the Waters 1910 9min Henri Andréani France French 6
Nativity, The 1910 14min Louis Feuillade France French 7
Noël des six Petits Riches et des six Petits Pauvres 1910 5min NR
Old Delhi and Its Ruins 1910 4min Camille Legrand France French 7
Panorama et métiers aux îles Moluques 1910 5min France French NR
Pride 1910 7min Legrand, Camille Dumény France French NR
Prodigal Son, The 1910 Denmark Danish NR
Resurrection of Lazarus, The 1910 7min Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset, Georges Hatot France French NR
Ronde de Noël 1910 5min France French NR
Rose o' Salem Town 1910 15min D.W. Griffith United States English 7
Ruth and Boaz 1910 13min Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn France French NR
Salomè 1910 10min Ugo Falena Italy Italian 7
Salome 1910 United Kingdom English NR
Saved By Divine Providence 1910 11min United States English NR
Seven Capital Sins 1910 32min Louis Feuillade France French 10
St. George And The Dragon 1910 6min United States English NR
St. Paul and the Centurion 1910 11min France French NR
Story of Esther, The 1910 19min Louis Feuillade France French 9
Vow; Or, Jephthah's Daughter, The 1910 9min Léonce Perret, Louis Feuillade France French 8
Way of the World, The 1910 16min D.W. Griffith United States English NR
Woman of Samaria, The 1910 10min Henri Desfontaines France, Italy Italian NR