A Bad Day For Levinsky |
1909 |
8min |
T.J. Gobbett |
United Kingdom |
English |
7 |
A Sinner's Repentance |
1909 |
7min |
Theo Frenkel |
United Kingdom |
English |
NR |
Beatificazione di Giovanna d´Arco |
1909 |
10min |
Mario Caserini |
Italy |
Italian |
NR |
Beggar's Repentance, The |
1909 |
8min |
Camille de Morlhon |
France |
French |
NR |
Bernadette Soubirous et les Apparitions de Lourdes |
1909 |
12min |
Honoré Le Sablais |
France |
French |
9 |
Blind Man of Jerusalem, The |
1909 |
11min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
9 |
Christus |
1909 |
Germany |
German |
NR |
Christus der Retter ist da |
1909 |
6min |
Germany |
German |
NR |
Cohen At Coney Island |
1909 |
7min |
George D. Baker |
United States |
English |
NR |
Cohen's Dream Of Coney Island |
1909 |
3min |
George D. Baker |
United States |
English |
NR |
Damnation |
1909 |
10min |
France |
French |
NR |
Delhi, Great Capital of India |
1909 |
4min |
Camille Legrand |
France, India |
English |
8 |
Die Geburt Jesu |
1909 |
3min |
Germany |
German |
NR |
Faust |
1909 |
10min |
Edwin S. Porter |
United States |
English |
NR |
Feast of Lilies at Nola, The |
1909 |
1min |
Italy |
Italian |
NR |
Golden Lily, The |
1909 |
8min |
Léonce Perret, Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
6 |
Guardian Angel, The |
1909 |
8min |
United States |
English |
NR |
Honor Of The Slums, The |
1909 |
7min |
Van Dyke Brooke |
United States |
English |
NR |
How Brother Cook was Taught a Lesson |
1909 |
Holger Rasmussen |
Denmark |
Danish |
NR |
Imager of Mont Saint-Michel, The |
1909 |
5min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Jeanne d'Arc |
1909 |
Honoré Le Sablais |
France |
French |
NR |
Jephthah's Daughter; A Biblical Tragedy |
1909 |
6min |
United States |
English |
NR |
Joan of Arc |
1909 |
16min |
Albert Capellani |
France |
French |
7 |
Joseph Sold By His Brethren |
1909 |
9min |
France |
French |
NR |
Judgment Of Solomon, The |
1909 |
6min |
J. Stuart Blackton |
United States |
English |
8 |
Judgment of Solomon, The |
1909 |
4min |
Maurice de Féraudy |
France |
French |
NR |
Judith et Holopherne |
1909 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
La Lettre au Bon Dieu |
1909 |
France |
French |
NR |
La Morte di Socrate |
1909 |
6min |
Italy |
Italian |
NR |
La Passion de Notre Seigneur |
1909 |
Honoré Le Sablais |
France |
French |
NR |
La Prière de la Poupée |
1909 |
France |
French |
NR |
L'archange |
1909 |
Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Crucifix |
1909 |
3min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Fanatisme Musulman |
1909 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Le Sacrifice d’Abraham |
1909 |
Georges Denola |
France |
French |
NR |
Les Rameaux. Hosanna! (de Faure) |
1909 |
3min |
Louis Feuillade |
France |
French |
NR |
Life of Joan of Arc |
1909 |
13min |
Mario Caserini |
Italy |
Italian |
NR |
Life of Moses, The |
1909 |
50min |
J. Stuart Blackton, Charles Kent |
United States |
English |
NR |
Lourdes |
1909 |
6min |
France |
French |
NR |
Mephisto And The Maiden |
1909 |
10min |
Francis Boggs |
United States |
English |
NR |
Miracle of a Necklace |
1909 |
11min |
Jean Durand |
France |
French |
NR |
Miss Faust |
1909 |
7min |
Camille de Morlhon |
France |
French |
NR |
Moeurs et coutumes des bouddhistes aux Indes |
1909 |
6min |
Camille Legrand |
France |
French |
NR |
Moines et guerriers |
1909 |
7min |
Julien Clément |
France |
French |
NR |
Nero. Or The Fall Of Rome. |
1909 |
14min |
Arturo Ambrosio, Luigi Maggi |
Italy |
Italian |
7 |
Oh Salome, Oh, Oh, Oh! |
1909 |
Frank Danvers Yates |
United Kingdom |
English |
NR |
Pèlerinage Arabe |
1909 |
3min |
France |
French |
NR |
Pompey's Dream |
1909 |
5min |
France |
French |
NR |
Pour la gloire |
1909 |
4min |
France |
French |
NR |
Prodigal Daughter |
1909 |
8min |
France |
French |
NR |
Prodigal Son, The |
1909 |
9min |
Georges Berr |
France |
French |
8 |
Redenta |
1909 |
9min |
Italy |
Italian |
NR |
Salome Craze |
1909 |
5min |
United States |
English |
NR |
Salome Dance Music, The |
1909 |
Frank Danvers Yates |
United Kingdom |
English |
NR |
Salome Mad |
1909 |
9min |
Theo Bouwmeester |
United Kingdom |
English |
NR |
Salome Mad |
1909 |
6min |
A.E. Coleby |
United Kingdom |
English |
NR |
Salvation Army Lass, The |
1909 |
14min |
D.W. Griffith |
United States |
English |
7 |
Saul and David |
1909 |
10min |
J. Stuart Blackton |
United States |
English |
NR |
Sister Angelica |
1909 |
7min |
Michel Carré |
France |
French |
NR |
Sons of the Minister, The |
1909 |
12min |
Viggo Larsen |
Denmark |
Danish |
NR |
Star of Bethlehem, The |
1909 |
11min |
Edwin S. Porter |
United States |
English |
NR |
Tale of the Ark |
1909 |
6min |
Arthur Melbourne Cooper |
United Kingdom |
English |
6 |
Trial of Abraham’s Faith, The |
1909 |
6min |
United Kingdom |
English |
NR |
Two Sons, The |
1909 |
6min |
United States |
English |
NR |
Way of the Cross, The |
1909 |
11min |
J. Stuart Blackton |
United States |
English |
NR |
Yiddisher Boy, The |
1909 |
3min |
Siegmund Lubin |
United States |
English |
NR |