Movies produced in 1909

Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
A Bad Day For Levinsky 1909 8min T.J. Gobbett United Kingdom English 7
A Sinner's Repentance 1909 7min Theo Frenkel United Kingdom English NR
Beatificazione di Giovanna d´Arco 1909 10min Mario Caserini Italy Italian NR
Beggar's Repentance, The 1909 8min Camille de Morlhon France French NR
Bernadette Soubirous et les Apparitions de Lourdes 1909 12min Honoré Le Sablais France French 9
Blind Man of Jerusalem, The 1909 11min Louis Feuillade France French 9
Christus 1909 Germany German NR
Christus der Retter ist da 1909 6min Germany German NR
Cohen At Coney Island 1909 7min George D. Baker United States English NR
Cohen's Dream Of Coney Island 1909 3min George D. Baker United States English NR
Damnation 1909 10min France French NR
Delhi, Great Capital of India 1909 4min Camille Legrand France, India English 8
Die Geburt Jesu 1909 3min Germany German NR
Faust 1909 10min Edwin S. Porter United States English NR
Feast of Lilies at Nola, The 1909 1min Italy Italian NR
Golden Lily, The 1909 8min Léonce Perret, Louis Feuillade France French 6
Guardian Angel, The 1909 8min United States English NR
Honor Of The Slums, The 1909 7min Van Dyke Brooke United States English NR
How Brother Cook was Taught a Lesson 1909 Holger Rasmussen Denmark Danish NR
Imager of Mont Saint-Michel, The 1909 5min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Jeanne d'Arc 1909 Honoré Le Sablais France French NR
Jephthah's Daughter; A Biblical Tragedy 1909 6min United States English NR
Joan of Arc 1909 16min Albert Capellani France French 7
Joseph Sold By His Brethren 1909 9min France French NR
Judgment Of Solomon, The 1909 6min J. Stuart Blackton United States English 8
Judgment of Solomon, The 1909 4min Maurice de Féraudy France French NR
Judith et Holopherne 1909 4min France French NR
La Lettre au Bon Dieu 1909 France French NR
La Morte di Socrate 1909 6min Italy Italian NR
La Passion de Notre Seigneur 1909 Honoré Le Sablais France French NR
La Prière de la Poupée 1909 France French NR
L'archange 1909 Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset France French NR
Le Crucifix 1909 3min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Le Fanatisme Musulman 1909 3min France French NR
Le Sacrifice d’Abraham 1909 Georges Denola France French NR
Les Rameaux. Hosanna! (de Faure) 1909 3min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Life of Joan of Arc 1909 13min Mario Caserini Italy Italian NR
Life of Moses, The 1909 50min J. Stuart Blackton, Charles Kent United States English NR
Lourdes 1909 6min France French NR
Mephisto And The Maiden 1909 10min Francis Boggs United States English NR
Miracle of a Necklace 1909 11min Jean Durand France French NR
Miss Faust 1909 7min Camille de Morlhon France French NR
Moeurs et coutumes des bouddhistes aux Indes 1909 6min Camille Legrand France French NR
Moines et guerriers 1909 7min Julien Clément France French NR
Nero. Or The Fall Of Rome. 1909 14min Arturo Ambrosio, Luigi Maggi Italy Italian 7
Oh Salome, Oh, Oh, Oh! 1909 Frank Danvers Yates United Kingdom English NR
Pèlerinage Arabe 1909 3min France French NR
Pompey's Dream 1909 5min France French NR
Pour la gloire 1909 4min France French NR
Prodigal Daughter 1909 8min France French NR
Prodigal Son, The 1909 9min Georges Berr France French 8
Redenta 1909 9min Italy Italian NR
Salome Craze 1909 5min United States English NR
Salome Dance Music, The 1909 Frank Danvers Yates United Kingdom English NR
Salome Mad 1909 9min Theo Bouwmeester United Kingdom English NR
Salome Mad 1909 6min A.E. Coleby United Kingdom English NR
Salvation Army Lass, The 1909 14min D.W. Griffith United States English 7
Saul and David 1909 10min J. Stuart Blackton United States English NR
Sister Angelica 1909 7min Michel Carré France French NR
Sons of the Minister, The 1909 12min Viggo Larsen Denmark Danish NR
Star of Bethlehem, The 1909 11min Edwin S. Porter United States English NR
Tale of the Ark 1909 6min Arthur Melbourne Cooper United Kingdom English 6
Trial of Abraham’s Faith, The 1909 6min United Kingdom English NR
Two Sons, The 1909 6min United States English NR
Way of the Cross, The 1909 11min J. Stuart Blackton United States English NR
Yiddisher Boy, The 1909 3min Siegmund Lubin United States English NR