Movies made in Israel

Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
A Jewish Dance At Jerusalem 1903 1min Israel, Palestine, United States English NR
A Trip Through The Holy Land 1907 5min Israel, United Kingdom English NR
A Trip to Palestine 1904 10min Israel, Palestine, United Kingdom English NR
Au pays de l'enfance du Christ 1903 - 1904 22min Célestin Chevalier, Alfred Mulsant Egypt, France, Israel, Palestine French NR
Jerusalem's Busiest Street, Showing Mt. Zion 1903 1min Israel, Palestine, United Kingdom English NR
Palestine 1896 1897 18min Auguste Lumiere, Alexandre Promio France, Israel, Palestine French 7
Palestine - Documentary Programme 1904 15min Mulsant Egypt, France, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine French 7
Palestine - Programme biblique 1904 11min Mulsant France, Israel, Palestine French 7
Pélerinage en Palestine et en Égypte 1897 - 1898 Albert Kirchner, Vincent de Paul Bailly de Surey Egypt, France, Israel, Palestine French NR
Voyage de William Booth en Palestine 1905 Henry Howse Israel, Palestine, United Kingdom English NR