Movies about muslim

Category group: Theme
Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
A Funny Mahometan 1897 Georges Méliès France French NR
A Trip to Palestine 1904 10min Israel, Palestine, United Kingdom English NR
Constantinople and the Bosporus 1904 7min Turkey, United Kingdom English NR
Coutumes Arabes 1910 3min France French NR
Delhi, Great Capital of India 1909 4min Camille Legrand France, India English 8
Le Caire: Départ du tapis sacré pour La Mecque 1897 1min Alexandre Promio Egypt, France French 7
Le Fanatisme Musulman 1909 3min France French NR
Mohammedan at Home, The 1908 4min France French NR
Palestine 1896 1897 18min Auguste Lumiere, Alexandre Promio France, Israel, Palestine French 7
Pèlerinage Arabe 1909 3min France French NR
Prière du Muezzin 1896 1min Alexandre Promio Algeria, France French 4