Movie 56min

The Passion Play (1897)

Not rated.

+ 1 image
Director Walter W. Freeman
Countries Czechoslovakia United States
Language English
Budget $10,000
(Alternative) The Höritz Passion Play
(Alternative) Passion Play of Höritz
Adam & Eve Based on Play Based on the Bible Biblical Drama Black and White Cain & Abel Communion Death of Jesus Drama Eliah Entry into Jerusalem Esther Flight to Egypt Herod Antipas Isaac Jesus Arrested Jesus Christ Jesus in Gethsemane Joseph son of Jacob Judas Iscariot Manna Moses Noah's Flood Passion Play Pontius Pilatus Short Silent Film St. Mary The Annunciation The Betrayal by Judas The Burial of Jesus The Crucifixion The Last Supper The Passion The Raising of Lazarus The Road to Golgotha The Trial Before Pilate The Wise Men

The Höritz Passion Play as this filmed Passion Play became to be known, was one of the most popular and widely available of the first filmed Passion stories. In the United States, it was the first produced, although not in the country, as the producers acquired the rights to film the Passion Play in the city of Höritz, Austria (now, Hořice na Šumavě in the Czech Republic) where it was filmed. The peasants there had perfected the play over many years and made it quite a tourist attraction. The producers of the film were Mark Klaw & Abraham Erlanger (Klaw & Erlanger), that was contacted by the Lumiere representative, Charles Smith Hurd, who worked out the makings of the film with the townspeople. The whole filmed play contained scenes from both the Old Testament as well as the Gospels. Because of turbulence relating to earlier staged Passion Plays, the United States release was made slowly and carefully and packaged into a one and a half-hour lecture with music and hymns. Because of the many involvements in the movie, it has many names. Some call it a "Klaw & Erlanger film", "the Freeman film", "a Lumiere film" or "the Höritz Passion Play". The film was also later acquired and distributed by Edison but with less of the scenes from the Old Testament. The length of the film was originally 5000 feet and 42 scenes, but at the time Edison distributed it the film was cut down to 2700 feet and contained around 30 scenes (the original footage included documentary scenes of the town and preparations for the play). The film is now lost.

42 Scenes
The original 42 scenes were cut down to around 30 when Edison distributed it. American Mutoscope & Biograph Co lists it as well with 30 scenes in their 1903 catalog supplement, and they sold it only in its entirety.

The American Mutoscope & Biograph Company also lists 4 scenes from everyday life in Höritz, as part of the prequeling scenes to the play. They are as follows:
1. Stone Cutters Working in Quarries at Horitz
2. Peasants in the Field at Horitz
3. Peasants Dance at a Wedding in Horitz
4. Women Washing Clothes at Hortiz
Adam and Eve
American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list two scenes: "Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden" and "Adam and Eve after Expulsion"
Cain and Abel
Not offered by Edison. Not present in the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list.
The Flood
Not offered by Edison. Not present in the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list.
Noah's Thanksgiving
Not offered by Edison. Not present in the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list.
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Not offered by Edison. Not present in the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list.
The Stealing of Joseph
Not offered by Edison. Not present in the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list.
Joseph in Egypt
Not offered by Edison. Not present in the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list.
Moses Found in the Bulrushes
The Manna in the Wilderness
Not offered by Edison. Not present in the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list.
Not offered by Edison. Not present in the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list.
The Angel Appearing to Mary
The Visit of the Magi
American Mutoscope & Biograph Co titles this scene "Magi, the Three Wise men in the Desert"
The Flight to Egypt
The Holy Family
Following this scene, there is a scene of a miracle from the Apochrypa where a servant breaks an urn and child Jesus repairs it. There is also another scene from the Apochypa where Jesus lies down on a cross he made, as a premonition of what was to come.
Baptism of Christ
In the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co listing, this scene is followed by "Christ Blessing Little Children"
Raising of Lazarus
American Mutoscope & Biograph Co use the title "Resurrection of Lazarus"
Entrance into Jerusalem
American Mutoscope & Biograph Co uses the title "Christ's Entry into Jerusalem"
Christ Blessing the Bread and the Wine
In the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list, this scene comes after "The Last Supper" and "The Washing of Feet".
The Last Supper
Christ Washing the Diciples' Feet
American Mutoscope & Biograph Co uses the title "The Washing of Feet".
Judas Recieving Money
Agony in the Garden
Not present in the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list.
Christ in the Mount of Olives and Betrayal by Judas
The same scene here as "Agony in the Garden". American Mutoscope & Biograph Co uses the title "The Garden of Olives".
Messiash's Arrest
Not present in the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list.
Christ before Caiphas
Peter Denying Christ
Christ before Pilate (first time)
Christ before Herod
Christ before Pilate (second time)
Condemnation of Christ
The Way of the Cross
The Crucifixion
The Taking Down from the Cross
In the American Mutoscope & Biograph Co list, this scene is combined together with the last scene and is called "Taking down from the Cross, Burial and Resurrection".
The Burial of Christ
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Charles Smith Hurd - Producer