Movies about moses
Title | Year | Length | Directors | Country | Language | Rating |
Exodus, The | 1910 | 22min | Louis Feuillade | France | French | 7 |
Life Of Moses, The | 1905 | 9min | France | French | 8 | |
Life of Moses, The | 1909 | 50min | J. Stuart Blackton, Charles Kent | United States | English | NR |
Moses In The Bullrushes | 1903 | 2min | United Kingdom | English | NR | |
Moses Saved from the Waters | 1910 | 9min | Henri Andréani | France | French | 6 |
Passion Play, The | 1897 | 56min | Walter W. Freeman | Czechoslovakia, United States | English | NR |
Seven Capital Sins | 1910 | 32min | Louis Feuillade | France | French | 10 |