Movies in biblical drama

Category group: Subgenre
Other keywords: biblical movie, bible mobie, bible film, biblical film
Parent categories: Drama, History
Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
Adam and Eve 1910 8min Phil Bruns United Kingdom English NR
Athaliah 1910 15min Michel Carré, Albert Capellani France French NR
Birth, Life And Death Of Christ, The 1906 33min Alice Guy-Blaché France French 8
Birth of our Saviour, The 1914 11min Charles Brabin United States English NR
Blind Man of Jerusalem, The 1909 11min Louis Feuillade France French 9
Caino 1910 7min Italy Italian NR
Christ on the Cross 1910 Louis Feuillade France French NR
Christian Martyrs 1905 7min Lucien Nonguet France French 7
Christmas Through The Ages 1908 8min France French NR
David and Goliath 1908 9min Sidney Olcott United States English NR
Ester: A Biblical Episode 1911 19min Theo Frenkel United Kingdom English NR
Exodus, The 1910 22min Louis Feuillade France French 7
Fall of Babylon, The 1911 17min Theo Frenkel United Kingdom English NR
Feast of Balthazar, The 1910 16min Louis Feuillade France French NR
From The Manger To The Cross 1912 1h 11min Sidney Olcott United States English NR
Herod 1912 Theo Frenkel United Kingdom English NR
Herodias 1910 11min Georges Hatot, Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset France French NR
Holy City, The 1908 17min United States English NR
Jephthah's Daughter; A Biblical Tragedy 1909 6min United States English NR
Jésus de Nazareth 1911 11min Henri Desfontaines, André Calmettes France French NR
Joseph And His Coat Of Many Colors 1914 1h 7min United States English NR
Joseph In Egypt 1911 11min Italy Italian NR
Joseph in the Land of Egypt 1914 52min Eugene Moore United States English NR
Joseph Sold By His Brethren 1904 7min Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn France French NR
Joseph Sold By His Brethren 1909 9min France French NR
Joseph's Trials in Egypt 1913 42min Henri Andréani France French NR
Judgment Of Solomon, The 1904 2min France French NR
Judgment of Solomon, The 1909 4min Maurice de Féraudy France French NR
Judgment Of Solomon, The 1909 6min J. Stuart Blackton United States English 8
Judith and Holofernes 1910 8min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Judith and Holopherne 1908 6min Mario Caserini Italy Italian NR
Judith et Holopherne 1909 4min France French NR
Kiss of Judas, The 1908 8min André Calmettes, Armand Bour France French NR
La Passion de Notre Seigneur 1909 Honoré Le Sablais France French NR
La Passione di Gesù 1900 15min Ezio Cristofari, Luigi Topi Italy Italian NR
La Vie Du Christ 1898 11min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Le Christ et la Pêcheresse 1908 6min France French NR
Le Crucifix 1906 2min France French NR
Le Crucifix 1909 3min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Le Sacrifice d’Abraham 1909 Georges Denola France French NR
Les Rameaux (de Faure) 1906 France French NR
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The 1897 - 1900 12min Georges Hatot France French NR
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The 1902 - 1905 44min Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet France French NR
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The 1906 - 1907 44min Ferdinand Zecca, Segundo de Chomón 8
Life And Passion Of Jesus Christ, The 1898 11min Louis Lumière, Georges Hatot France French 6
Life Of Moses, The 1905 9min France French 8
Life of Moses, The 1909 50min J. Stuart Blackton, Charles Kent United States English NR
Life of St. Paul, The 1910 11min Rodolfo Kanzler, Giuseppe de Liguoro Italy Italian NR
L'inconsciente Salomé 1908 9min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Madama Putifarre 1906 5min Italy Italian NR
Moses Saved from the Waters 1910 9min Henri Andréani France French 6
Nativity, The 1910 14min Louis Feuillade France French 7
Palestine - Programme biblique 1904 11min Mulsant France, Israel, Palestine French 7
Passion Play, The 1897 56min Walter W. Freeman Czechoslovakia, United States English NR
Passion Play, The 1898 1h Siegmund Lubin United States English NR
Passion, The 1897 5min Albert Kirchner, Michel Coissac France French NR
Prodigal Son, The 1901 7min Ferdinand Zecca France French NR
Prodigal Son, The 1907 1h 30min Michel Carré, Jean Benoit-Lévy France French NR
Prodigal Son, The 1909 9min Georges Berr France French 8
Prodigal Son, The 1911 9min Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset France French NR
Prodigal, The 1908 United Kingdom English NR
Redenta 1909 9min Italy Italian NR
Resurrection of Lazarus, The 1910 7min Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset, Georges Hatot France French NR
Retour De L'enfant Prodigue 1908 3min France French NR
Ruth 1912 8min Frank Wilson United Kingdom English NR
Ruth and Boaz 1910 13min Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn France French NR
Salome 1906 3min Oskar Messter Germany German NR
Salome 1906 6min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Salome 1907 5min United States English NR
Salome 1908 8min J. Stuart Blackton United States English 8
Salomé 1908 10min Albert Capellani France French NR
Salomè 1910 10min Ugo Falena Italy Italian 7
Salome 1910 United Kingdom English NR
Salome, Dance of the Seven Veils 1907 1min United States English NR
Samson and Delilah 1902 6min Ferdinand Zecca France French 7
Samson and Delilah 1908 7min Ferdinand Zecca, Henri Andréani, Albert Capellani France French NR
Samson And Delilah 1911 Theo Frenkel United Kingdom English NR
Saul and David 1909 10min J. Stuart Blackton United States English NR
Seven Capital Sins 1910 32min Louis Feuillade France French 10
Soldiers Of The Cross 1900 13min Herbert Booth, Joseph Perry Australia English NR
St. Paul and the Centurion 1910 11min France French NR
Star of Bethlehem, The 1912 15min Lawrence Marston United States English 6
Story of Esther, The 1910 19min Louis Feuillade France French 9
Tale of the Ark 1909 6min Arthur Melbourne Cooper United Kingdom English 6
Trial of Abraham’s Faith, The 1909 6min United Kingdom English NR
Vita, Passione, Morte et Resurrezione di Gesù Cristo 1908 Italy Italian NR
Vow; Or, Jephthah's Daughter, The 1910 9min Léonce Perret, Louis Feuillade France French 8
Woman of Samaria, The 1910 10min Henri Desfontaines France, Italy Italian NR