Movies containing the resurrection

Category group: Scripture
Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
Holy City, The 1908 17min United States English NR
La Passion de Notre Seigneur 1909 Honoré Le Sablais France French NR
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The 1897 - 1900 12min Georges Hatot France French NR
Life And Passion Of Jesus Christ, The 1898 11min Louis Lumière, Georges Hatot France French 6
Life Of Our Saviour; Or, The Passion Play, The 1913 - 1914 1h 40min Maurice Maître France French NR
Passion Play, The 1898 1h Siegmund Lubin United States English NR
Passion, The 1897 5min Albert Kirchner, Michel Coissac France French NR
Vita, Passione, Morte et Resurrezione di Gesù Cristo 1908 Italy Italian NR