Judith dances in a pretty daring outfit.
Movie 4min
Judith et Holopherne (1909)
Not rated.
Apocrypha Based on the Bible Beheading Biblical Drama Black and White Book of Judith Dance Dancing Drama Judith Old Testament Sensuality Short Silent Film DramaShortApocrypha, Based on the Bible, Beheading, Biblical Drama, Black and White, Book of Judith, Dance, Dancing, Judith, Old Testament, Sensuality, Silent FilmDescription
About this film, only described as "Film artistique colorié, recommandé"(colored art film, recommended) by Gaumont, as well as giving its length of 89 meters (3-4 minutes), not much more information is found. Assumably then, when there is a version in GP archives "Judith et Holopherne" that is almost 4 minutes long from 14. June 1909 does not match any other film about Judith from the time, it has to be concluded that this is that version.