Movie 19min

Ester: A Biblical Episode (1911)

Not rated.

Based on the Bible Bible Movie Biblical Drama Drama Esther Judaism Lost Film Old Testament Queen Rulers Short Silent Film The Book of Esther

THE story of Esther is familiar to all, and undoubtedly it makes a good subject for presentation on the screen. In the KINEMACOLOR version a large number of artistes have been engaged, and the requisite Eastern atmosphere is very faithfully conveyed. It is beyond dispute a film of outstanding merit.

Source: Kinemacolor Film Catalogue 1912-1913

Synopsis - 10 Scenes
The King's Order.
The command is given by King Ahasnerus that all maidens are to assemble outside the city wall in order that the Queen may be chosen from amongst them.
Mordecai Implores Esther
if chosen, to be true to the Jewish faith. This is a finely staged scene, such details as Eastern carvings on the walls being easily observed.
The Assembling of the Maidens.
The next is a wonderful scene. A large number of maidens is assembled along the embankment at the foot of a hill, and the King and his retinue passes by. Esther is chosen.
Haman, the King's Prime Minister,
forbids Mordecai to worship the God of Israel. There are some fine costumes in this scene and one is especially noticeable.
Mordecai's Refusal.
Haman is passing up the steps of the temple when he observes that Mordecaiis amongst the crowd, and does not bow the knee to him.
An Attack on the King.
Mordecai saves the King's life, but refuses to betray his identity. This scene takes place outside a wood, where rogues have assembled to make an attemptupon the King's life.
The Edict.
Haman persuades the King to issue an edict ordering the massacre of all the Jews. This is a magnificently staged court scene.
The Heralds
are about to read the edict when Esther takes the document from them, resolved to do all she can to prevent the massacre of her co-religionists.
The King Withdraws the Edict
on learning that the Queen's cousin has saved his life. Discomfiture of Haman.
Portrait Views
of the principal participants form a fitting conclusion to the film.
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