
L’affaire Dreyfus (1899)
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Alfred Dreyfus Anti-Semitism Biography Black and White Courtroom drama Drama Historical Drama History Jew Politics Short Silent Film Trial BiographyDramaHistoryShortAlfred Dreyfus, Anti-Semitism, Black and White, Courtroom drama, Historical Drama, Jew, Politics, Silent Film, TrialDescriptions
Pathé Frérès. after hearing of Méliès making a film about the Dreyfus Affair, went on to make their own in 8 scenes. One scene has survived. It never became as popular as the Méliès even if it finished only a week later.
Episodes from the life of Dreyfus. Dreyfus in his cell at Rennes. A guard at the Lycee, members of the court and two civilians enter.
Source: NFA Catalogue

8 Scenes
Descriptions are translated from French (Pathé Frères 1897-1899 catalogue).

Arrest, confession of Colonel Henry (Arrestation, aveux du colonel Henry)
Mr. Cavaignac, Minister of War, discusses with his chief of staff. He summons an orderly and orders him to introduce the colonel. The minister questions the accused and presents him with the forgery; the colonel becomes confused and denies the authenticity of the note. But, confronted with the accusing general, the colonel makes his confession. The minister has him arrested.

At Mont Valérien: Suicide of Colonel Henry (Au mont Valérien: suicide du Colonel Henry)
Aspect of the cell. We see the colonel very agitated. The prisoner sends his guard to carry a message. Meanwhile, a general visits him, begs him to hope, and retires. But the colonel, discouraged, seizes his razor and, with an energetic impulse, he cuts his throat and falls lifeless on the ground.

Dreyfus in the Military Prison at Rennes (Dreyfus dans sa cellule à Rennes)
Sitting next to his wife, he wants to convince her of her innocence and begs her to hope. Hugs and tears. A captain of the gendarmerie enters and warns Mme Dreyfus that the time for her visit has passed. The spouses kiss and Dreyfus escorts his wife to the door. Enter the two defenders: Mes Demange and Labori. Dreyfus makes them sit down; they get together to examine the file.” / “Showing the cell in the prison in which Dreyfus, the accused, is confined during the time of his wife’s daily visit. Embraces and tears. A sergeant enters to tell Madame Dreyfus her visiting time is up. The parting of husband and wife is most pathetic and emotional. Dreyfus conducts his wife to the door. The two counsels for the defence, Maîtres Demange and Labori, then enter. The latter with his usual smile on his face full of good nature. Dreyfus asks them to be seated, and the three examines some documents together connected with the case.

Entering the Lycee (Entrée au conseil de guerre)
Dreyfus crosses the street and enters the Council. Mes Demange and Labori follow, chatting animatedly. Then come the witness officers: General Mercier and others, then Colonel Jouaust, President of the Council. / “Streets lined with soldiers with fixed bayonets. Dreyfus with the Captain of Gendarmerie, crosses the street and enters the Lycee. Maître Demange and Labori, who appear very excited, then enter, followed by Officer-witnesses, General Mercier and other well-known personages are easily recognizable. Then comes Colonel Jouaust, the President of the Court.

Court Martial at Rennes (Audience au conseil de guerre)
The lawyers consult each other. Colonel Jouaust warns them that the session is about to begin: the court enters, the accused is introduced. The president gives the floor to General Mercier who testifies. / “A scene at the Lycee at Rennes, showing the military Court Material of Captain Dreyfus. The only occupants of the room at this time are masters Demange and Labori, who are holding an animated conversation. The judges begin to arrive, and take their seats, Colonel Jouaust declares the court open, and orders the Sergeant to bring in the accused. Dreyfus enters, saluting the court, followed by the Captain of Gendarmerie, who is constantly with him. They take their appointed seats in front of the judges. Colonel Jouaust asks Adjutant Coupols to call the first witness, and General Mercier arrives, and proceeds with his deposition. The scene which is a most faithful portrayal of the Court-Martial at Rennes, shows the absolute portraits of the principal personaes in the famous trial.

Leaving the Lycee (Sortie du conseil de guerre)
Witness officers, General Mercier in the lead. Then Dreyfus, accompanied by a captain of the gendarmerie. Next come Mes Demange and Labori.” / “After the sitting witnesses go out, General Mercier first, followed by a number of others. Then Dreyfus, accompanied by Captain of Gendarmerie. Then Counsels for the Defence, Maîtres Demange and Labori, who seem pleased with their morning’s labours, and glad of the fresh air.

Rennes military prison, rue Duhamel (Prison militaire de Rennes, rue Duhamel)
Arrival of the infantry officer attending the interview in the cell. Arrival of Mme Havet, aunt of Mme Dreyfus and M, her father. Exit of Mrs. Dreyfus; Mrs. Havet and M accompany him. Exit of the officer.

Avenue de la Gare in Rennes (Avenue de la Gare à Rennes)
Dreyfus leaving high school. As soon as the roadblock closed, two gendarmes came out of the school, crossing the avenue to open the handling door. Then comes Dreyfus, followed by the captain of the gendarmerie in charge of his guard.
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