Movie 55min

Nearer My God to Thee (1917)

A crippled teacher adopts the child of a beloved assistant who married a criminal.
Not rated.

Directors Cecil M. Hepworth , W. Arthur Northam
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Betrayal Black and White Church Cripple Drama Episcopal Church Infatuation Loyalty Organist Romance Silent Film

OPINION: A picture must possess the saving feature of a strong story or decided novelty if it is to triumph over faulty construction and old-fashioned methods of production. These things the present publication does not contain. An English-made attraction, it may measure up to European standards, but it does not qualify as acceptable for American presentation. In the first place the title is against the box office value of the thing. But that might be changed. It would be impossible, however, to curtail the excess footage sufficiently to bring the story value up to the required point. There are some pretty scenes that have been rather well photographed, but pretty scenes do not make satisfying photo-dramas.

The exhibitor who contracts to play the picture should take every precaution to prepare his audience for what is coming. It is possible that much will be forgiven if the foreign origin of the production is sufficiently impressed upon the public. The picture will not deliver satisfaction on its merit alone.

SYNOPSIS: A hunchback is employed as organist in an Episcopal church, at other times working as school teacher. In the latter work he is associated with him a beautiful young girl, with whom he is violently infatuated. A London gentleman of sporting tendencies appears and marries the girl, whom he quickly wins with his polished manners and ar- dent courtship. After the wedding the husband goes back to the ways of his bachelorhood, frequenting the public places and spending his time in one pro- longed debauch. The girl tends a store from which they derive their livelihood. Her husband mistreats and abuses her. In the end, however, circumstances straighten themselves out and she marries the hunchback, whose love has never faltered.

Source: Exhibitors Herald and Motography, May 24, 1919

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