Movies by George Albert Smith Films

Title Year Length Directors Role Rating
A Good Story 1901 George Albert Smith Production NR
Church Parade at Portsmouth 1896 Esmé Collings Production, Distribution NR
Church Parade of the 7th Hussars and 16th Lancers 1908 George Albert Smith Production NR
Faust and Mephistopheles 1898 2min George Albert Smith Production, Distribution NR
Monk In The Monastery Wine Cellars, The 1902 1min George Albert Smith Production NR
Monk In The Studio, The 1902 1min George Albert Smith Production NR
Monk's Macaroni Feast, The 1902 1min George Albert Smith Production NR
Monk’s Ruse For Lunch, The 1902 1min George Albert Smith Production NR
Topsy-Turvy Dance By Three Quaker Maidens 1902 1min George Albert Smith Production NR