Who doesn't love a wedding? This breezy film squeezes the whole service into two minutes flat

Wedding Ceremony In A Church (1900)

Country | United Kingdom |
Language | English |
Black and White Ceremony Church Docudrama Priest Short Silent Film Wedding ShortBlack and White, Ceremony, Church, Docudrama, Priest, Silent Film, WeddingDescription
No, this isn't a Victorian wedding video, but it's the next best thing. This 1900 film is staged, and shot in front of a backdrop rather than in an actual church, but nevertheless it runs step-by-step through a wedding service. The wedding party, including groom, best man, vicar, bride and bridesmaids arrive in turn, all dressed up. After the vows are exchanged, the group returns to walk down the aisle and towards the camera so we can take a good look at the happy couple - and the bridal gown.
Source: BFI
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This is the first staged wedding on film to show how the ceremony went, and it is very informative to get a peek into it all even if it is staged. We have a bride, groom, and bridesmaids, and they go through all the usuals. An interesting look into the past indeed, because these things have not changed much.