The Guardian Angel (1909)

Country | United States |
Language | English |
Production | |
Distribution |
(UK, 1909)
Markt and Company
Angels Black and White Drama Dreams Gypsy Love Missing person Parenting Short Silent Film DramaShortAngels, Black and White, Dreams, Gypsy, Love, Missing person, Parenting, Silent FilmDescription
The nurse brings the little baby to her mother to kiss her good-bye. She then places the baby in the carriage and sends the little one away in charge of the maid.
THE CONSEQUENCES OF CARELESNESS. On a high point in the park overlooking the city near a precipice sits the maid, reading. Next to her stands the baby carriage. Suddenly the carriage slips away, down the precipice. The maid runs to the rock's edge. Seeing the carriage on its downward path she drops to the ground faintingly. At the bottom of the precipice is a gypsy camp. The guarding angel held its protecting hand over the child and guided her safely into the gypsy camp. The gypsies quickly take the little girl in their tent, change the clothes and throw the baby carriage into the nearby stream, thus creating the impression that the baby has been drowned.
THEY THINK LITTLE MARY WAS DROWNED. The nurse, still in a dead faint, has been found by the park guard. She tells him what happened and they both run down to the river's edge, where they find the carriage, which they bring home, to the unfortunate mother, who upon hearing the sad news flies at the girl in a frantic rage.
THE CHILD'S ANGEL. The gypsies take the girl's clothes and hide them in the hollow of a tree while the angel stands guarding over the little child.
FIFTEEN YEARS LATER. Fifteen years later, the gypsies have settled down. They weave baskets, which little Mary, who is now sixteen years old, sells for them. Business is good, as everybody buys of Mary, whose charms are captivating. Wherever she goes she is protected by the guarding angel.
"MARY," SAYS THE ANGEL, "THOU SHALT FIND THY PARENTS." In her sleep the angel appears to Mary and shows her in a vision how she had been found by gypsies and where they put the clothes which she wore. The angel appears on another night.
THE THIRD NIGHT: -"MARY," SAYS THE ANGEL, "FOLLOW ME." The third night the angel again appears, saying to Mary, "Follow Me." The angel guides Mary to the hollow of the tree. Mary finds her clothes, locket and chain and while the vision disappears Mary wraps all in a bundle and quickly returns home.
"WE WILL BRING YOU TO YOUR PARENTS." Mary tells the gypsies how she heard of her parents and of the appearance of the angel. Then they decide to bring Mary to her real parents.
"WE KEPT THE SECRET BECAUSE WE LOVED HER SO." The gypsies tell the parents the story, how Mary was lost and how they found her. They often wanted to return the little girl to her parents, but they never could make up their minds to give her up because they loved Mary so, they said.
"I HAVE LOVE ENOUGH FOR ALL OF YOU." The parents are overjoyed to have found again their little daughter. Mary, however, does not wish to lose altogether the old couple that were good to her all these years and she therefore begs her newly found parents to keep the old couple near them. "I have love enough for all of you," she says, and from the way the parents kiss her it may be seen that her first wish has been granted.
Source: Lubin Catalog
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