+ 1 image

Le Czar et la Czarine, sortie du Panthéon (1896)

Director | Ernest Normandin |
Country | France |
Language | French |
Titles |
Le Tsar Au Panthéon
(Country Spesific)
Einzug des russischen Czaaren in Pantheon in Paris
(Country Spesific)
Cortejo do Tsar e da Tsarina saindo do Panthéon
(Country Spesific)
El Czar en el Panteó
Production |
Black and White Documentary Pantheon Parade Paris People Short Silent Film Tsar Tsar Nicolas II DocumentaryShortBlack and White, Pantheon, Parade, Paris, People, Silent Film, Tsar, Tsar Nicolas IIDescription
Procession of the Russian Tsar and the Tsarina leaving the Panthéon in Paris. The Tsar at the time was the last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, and his wife was Alexandra Feodorovna.
Similar movies
Ernest Normandin | - | Director |
22.01. 2022
by John Larsen
Early Procession Film
Henri Joly and Ernest Normandin were pioneers in moviemaking and they made a few movies in the mid-1890s. "Le Czar et la Czarine, sortie du Panthéon" is one of them, where they document the visit of the Russian Tsar in France. Historical, yes, but the quality is not very good - not much can be seen other than wagons and people in front of the Pantheon even if the position of the camera was a good one. This improves in later films, so, still cool that this was documented on film.