Movies by General Film Company

Title Year Length Directors Role Rating
A Quaker Mother 1911 11min Distribution NR
A Mexican Legend 1910 8min Distribution NR
Athaliah 1910 15min Michel Carré, Albert Capellani Production NR
Benares, the Holy City of the Hindus 1910 4min Distribution NR
Birth of our Saviour, The 1914 11min Charles Brabin Distribution NR
Faust 1911 18min Henri Andréani, Georges Fagot Distribution NR
From The Manger To The Cross 1912 1h 11min Sidney Olcott Distribution NR
Old Delhi and Its Ruins 1910 4min Camille Legrand Distribution 7
Salt Lake City, Utah, and its Surroundings 1912 5min J. Searle Dawley Distribution NR
Saved By Divine Providence 1910 11min Distribution NR
Scarlet Letter, The 1908 10min Sidney Olcott Distribution NR
St. George And The Dragon 1910 6min Distribution NR
Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet 1911 11min Charles Kent Distribution NR
Three Wise Men, The 1913 11min Colin Campbell Distribution NR
Woman of Samaria, The 1910 10min Henri Desfontaines Distribution NR