Movies by Charles Urban Trading Company

Title Year Length Directors Role Rating
A Trip Through The Holy Land 1907 5min Production, Distribution NR
A Trip to Palestine 1904 10min Production, Distribution NR
Attack on a China Mission 1900 4min James Williamson Distribution 7
Carnival Procession In Nice, The 1904 7min Production, Distribution NR
Church Parade of the 7th Hussars and 16th Lancers 1908 George Albert Smith Distribution NR
Constantinople and the Bosporus 1904 7min Production, Distribution NR
Curious Sights in Burmah and Cashmere 1904 7min Production, Distribution NR
Feast of St. John at Rylo Monastery 1903 2min Production, Distribution NR
Great Temple Procession, Nikko, Japan 1904 3min Production, Distribution NR
International Congress of the Salvation Army, The 1904 6min Production, Distribution NR
Life And Passion Of Jesus Christ, The 1898 11min Louis Lumière, Georges Hatot Distribution 6
Llamas of Thibet, The 1903 2min Production, Distribution NR
London Ghetto, The 1904 3min Production, Distribution NR
Monk's Macaroni Feast, The 1902 1min George Albert Smith Distribution NR
Monk’s Ruse For Lunch, The 1902 1min George Albert Smith Distribution NR
Old Chorister, The 1904 6min James Williamson Distribution NR
Outside the Frontier Town of Samokove 1903 1min Production, Distribution NR
Piræus and Athens (Greece) 1904 7min Production, Distribution NR
Refugees at Rylo Monastery 1903 1min Production, Distribution NR
Sherborne Pageant 1905 18min Louis N. Parker Production, Distribution 8
Shwe Dagon Pagoda, The 1903 2min Production, Distribution NR
When The Devil Drives 1907 5min Walter R. Booth Production, Distribution NR