Movies about temptation

Category group: Subject
Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
Beautiful Margaret, The 1910 6min Émile Cohl France French 5
Devil, The 1908 6min D.W. Griffith United States English NR
Devil, The 1908 11min Edwin S. Porter United States English NR
Faust 1904 16min Ferdinand Zecca France French 8
Faust 1905 45min Alice Guy-Blaché France French NR
Faust 1907 1h 6min Arthur Gilbert United Kingdom English NR
Faust 1909 10min Edwin S. Porter United States English NR
Faust 1910 18min Enrico Guazzoni Italy Italian 7
Faust 1910 45min David Barnett United Kingdom English NR
Faust 1911 18min Henri Andréani, Georges Fagot France, Italy French NR
Faust: 'À Moi Les Plaisirs!' 1908 France French NR
Faust and Marguerite 1904 15min Georges Méliès France French 8
Faust: Apparition de Méphistophélès 1897 1min Georges Hatot France French 4
Faust: Métamorphose de Faust et apparition de Marguerite 1897 1min Georges Hatot France French NR
Faust Sauvé Des Enfers 1911 5min René Leprince France French NR
Genii Of Fire, The 1908 5min Georges Méliès France French 7
Joseph's Trials in Egypt 1913 42min Henri Andréani France French NR
Les métamorphoses de Satan 1898 2min Georges Hatot France French 5
Devil's Seven Castles, The 1901 11min Ferdinand Zecca France French 8
Lord’s Prayer, The 1910 5min Louis Feuillade France French NR
Madama Putifarre 1906 5min Italy Italian NR
Mephisto And The Maiden 1909 10min Francis Boggs United States English NR
Miss Faust 1909 7min Camille de Morlhon France French NR
Noël de la Fille Perdue 1906 5min Roméo Bosetti, Louis Feuillade France French NR
Satan's Jokes 1897 1min France French NR
Seven Capital Sins 1910 32min Louis Feuillade France French 10
Temptation Of Saint Anthony, The 1898 1min Georges Méliès France French 8
Temptation Of St. Anthony, The 1900 1min Arthur Marvin United States English NR
Temptation of St Anthony, The 1896 1min Eugène Pirou France French NR
Temptation of St. Anthony, The 1905 2min Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn France French NR
Tentation de Saint-Antoine 1903 2min Gaston Velle France French NR
World, The Flesh And The Devil, The 1914 50min F. Martin Thornton United Kingdom English NR