Movies containing samaritan woman
Title | Year | Length | Directors | Country | Language | Rating |
Birth, Life And Death Of Christ, The | 1906 | 33min | Alice Guy-Blaché | France | French | 8 |
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The | 1902 - 1905 | 44min | Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet | France | French | NR |
Life Of Our Saviour; Or, The Passion Play, The | 1913 - 1914 | 1h 40min | Maurice Maître | France | French | NR |
Passion Play, The | 1898 | 1h | Siegmund Lubin | United States | English | NR |
Woman of Samaria, The | 1910 | 10min | Henri Desfontaines | France, Italy | Italian | NR |