Movies containing jesus life

Category group: Scripture
Other keywords: life of christ, life of jesus
Parent categories: The Gospel
Child categories: The Temptation of Jesus, Wedding at Cana, Nicodemus meets Jesus, Samaritan Woman, Calling of the Twelve, Sermon on the Mount, The Lord's Prayer, The Golden Rule, Mary Magdalena follows Jesus, The Transfiguration, Jesus and the Children, Jesus in the home of Mary and Martha, Teaching in the Temple, The Woman Caught in Adultery, Story of Zacchaeus, Cleansing of the Temple, The Great Commandment, The Great Commission, Jesus' Ascension, Baptism of Jesus, John the Baptist Imprisoned, Death of John the Baptist
Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
From The Manger To The Cross 1912 1h 11min Sidney Olcott United States English NR
Jerusalem In The Time Of Christ 1908 17min Sidney Olcott United States English NR
Life And Passion of Jesus Christ, The 1902 - 1905 44min Ferdinand Zecca, Lucien Nonguet France French NR
Life And Passion Of Jesus Christ, The 1898 11min Louis Lumière, Georges Hatot France French 6
Life Of Our Saviour; Or, The Passion Play, The 1913 - 1914 1h 40min Maurice Maître France French NR
Palestine - Programme biblique 1904 11min Mulsant France, Israel, Palestine French 7
Passion Play, The 1898 1h Siegmund Lubin United States English NR
Soldiers Of The Cross 1900 13min Herbert Booth, Joseph Perry Australia English NR
Vita, Passione, Morte et Resurrezione di Gesù Cristo 1908 Italy Italian NR