Movies about hinduism

Category group: Religion
Other keywords: hindu
Child categories: Shiva, Kali
Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
Benares, the Holy City of the Hindus 1910 4min France French NR
Brahmin and the Butterfly, The 1901 2min Georges Méliès France French 6
Brahmin's Miracle, The 1908 4min Segundo de Chomón France French NR
Curious Sights in Burmah and Cashmere 1904 7min United Kingdom English NR
Dream of a Hindu Beggar, The 1901 1min Georges Méliès France French NR
Genii Of Fire, The 1908 5min Georges Méliès France French 7
Hindoo Fakir, The 1902 United States English 6
Hindoo Jugglers, The 1900 1min Walter R. Booth United Kingdom English NR
Indian Religious Dance 1904 1min United Kingdom English NR
Indian Scenes 1899 1min United Kingdom English 4
Invisible Siva, The 1904 1min Georges Méliès France French NR
Miracles Of Brahmin, The 1900 4min Georges Méliès France French NR
Missionary Life in India 1906 - 1907 Henry Howse India, United Kingdom English 6
Modes and Customs of the Hindoos 1910 6min Camille Legrand France French NR
Palace of Arabian Knights, The 1905 21min Georges Méliès France French 5
Yogi, The 1899 J. Stuart Blackton United States English NR