Movies containing burned on a stake

Category group: Keyword
Other keywords: death by fire
Title Year Length Directors Country Language Rating
A Miracle Under The Inquisition 1904 3min Georges Méliès France French 6
Execution Of Joan Of Arc 1898 1min Georges Hatot France French 6
Jeanne d'Arc 1903 Jacques de Fouchécour France French NR
Jeanne d'Arc 1909 Honoré Le Sablais France French NR
Joan Of Arc 1895 1min Alfred Clark United States English NR
Joan of Arc 1900 11min Georges Méliès France French 6
Joan of Arc 1909 16min Albert Capellani France French 7
Justinian's Human Torches 1907 3min France French 6
Life of Joan of Arc 1909 13min Mario Caserini Italy Italian NR
Martyrs of the Inquisition 1905 7min Lucien Nonguet France French NR
Rose o' Salem Town 1910 15min D.W. Griffith United States English 7
Witch Of Savile, The 1908 8min Italy Italian NR